Tag Archives: thyroid

Smoothie or Juice?

Get the goodness into any way you can, I say….

I used to say, NO DON’T BLEND THINGS be careful as the blender heats the goodness and destroys the mitsi-goblets which hurts your dna and chromosomes, and the juicer does the same thing and destroys the nutrients unless you get a SLLLLOOOOW pressed $50,000 juicer, however – Now I say get either into you as it’s better than nothing right?

And if you wait around for the perfect solution you may not do anything hey? So lets go with juices and smoothies are great so use them, (provided you can digest what you are putting in them – which goes without saying).

green smoothie





Here are some smoothie ideas for those starting out;

Simply choose 4-5 of the following raw ingredients and blend together, hey there’s no rules, if you want to, throw the whole lot in! 🙂

Celery stalks

Baby spinach





½ Avocado

1 green apple

½ Banana

Tiny squeeze of lemon or lime

Water (depending on how much juice/mush or smoothie you would like)

Obviously the fruit portion makes it taste sweeter, but the less fruit you can get used to the better, in my book… but in some cases you just need to get it into your mouth 😉

Note: if you have a thyroid condition I recommend staying away from the kale, spinach and silverbeet when raw but everything else from this list is good to go.

Below are some more links to check out if you want more fruit involved, although if you are on one of my programs, that’s ‘probably’ reduced, but comment below if you are not sure about that one and I’ll do my best to tell you what I think might be a good fit for you.


http://kriscarr.com/ I love this chik! She also has lots of great vegetarian recipes and ‘know how’ when it comes to digesting lentils.

Let me know how you go with your smoothies!

If you need a helping hand with your nutrition, or a kick up the butt, either way I’m happy to help 🙂 drop me a line here