Well the reality is getting results requires a slightly different approach for everyone, but some things, like the mental approach to change and implementing habits I’ve found from coaching clients and observing my own self talk, is similar regardless of the special diet or exercise regime you are asked to follow.
The following is what I believe goes through our heads (including my own) and some tips to overcome the self talk and FINALLY get results;
1 a. I’m going to start the new diet (or insert new habit here) Monday.
1 b. You really mean it when you say it but unless you are planned with your time and preparation for whatever needs to happen, and understand that stuff ain’t going to go your way on Monday AND you will have to have an iron will and wits about you (especially on the first day or two of a new regime).. You Will likely cave.
How do I know? Because I often do the same thing! In fact sometimes I make the rules so hard for myself I can’t start for months of Mondays in a row :).
What you can do: The best prep is to know that the first day isn’t going to go your way and that you are going to do it anyway. Start with a habit at a time, this really does help. Be prepared.
Trust me as the days go on, it DOES get easier, a lot easier.
2 a. It’s not fair that all the other girls eat drink xxxxxx (insert your favourite food or drink here) and they ARE skinny, I must just have xxxxxx (faulty genes, a slow thyroid or insert excuse here).
2 b. We absolutely have to stop blaming other peoples luck and our misfortune and instead take full responsibility for where we are and how we are going to there, and yes some people have a different body composition to you, but really so what? What makes us think it was always easy for them? Or that they aren’t suffering from a terminal illness.. Heaven forbid.
But my message here is to be grateful for what you have that DOES work, your arms and your legs if you have them and stick to the plan and get on with it.
What you can do: Focus with ninja like focus on YOURSELF and your own game and try to compare yourself to others less. A lot less.
3 a. I’m not changing/I can’t see results – so there’s no point!
3 b. I beg to differ, In fact if you don’t already feel a lot better after the first week of your new habit, I bet you are possibly already getting compliments (if not you will by the 3rd or 4th week) and of course, in typical female manner (sorry fellas) you’re not taking the compliments on board.
The only way I know of to overcome this is to stop putting yourself down and have your results measured somehow.
What you can do: Either do your circumferences with a tape measure weekly (eg. Around your waist , butt etc). Take a photo of yourself weekly, get your body fat tested weekly. (I prefer not to encourage people, mainly women, to use the scales as it’s not an indication of gaining muscle tissue and gaining muscle tissue IS what you want. Plus us women use the number on the scales to dictate if we are going to have a bad day or not…. It’s just silly really).
Measure your results until you CAN be objective with yourself. This personally took me two years of having my body fat measured weekly until I thought, you know what I can tell the reaction food is having with my body and I’m happy with it and understand how to adjust it. More importantly, I love and respect it anyway.
Click here to see more about my personal fat loss journey.
If you would like more ideas on how to measure your results or get out of your own way, don’t hesitate to drop me a line, I’ll be more than happy to call you to see if I can help.
See more about my online program for women here.