Tag Archives: paralysis

Has your thinking got you paralyzed?

Do you think too much before taking action?
Below are 5 steps to get over your paralysis by analysis.

I’m sure you have heard the expression.. Analysing things to make sure the steps you are going to take are actually the right ones and that you won’t fail when you do finally start. The problem is this behaviour tends to see you pausing for a VERY LONG TIME.. and actually not starting at all (or giving up too easily when you fail). Probably not something which is productive if you want to get results in a certain area of your life, agree?

Anyway I see it all the time in my industry, as people are sooooo confused because of all the information out there. When if they just started, just actually did something, lots of times anything, they’d have more power and flow to be able to make a change in their path if that’s what was needed.

Instead they go by one of the many quotes they’ve read that might have said something like “Fatloss won’t work if you don’t do ‘x, y, z’ – and in the right order”.

So by not starting they are intellectually procrastinating. And probably just falling for marketing of some kind..
In fact worrying about getting things perfect in any area of your life ain’t that productive so here’s my take on what you can do about it… but you have to implement today, ok? haha – scared or not.

make thigns happen





My tips are influenced by the fact that I’ve noticed a trend amongst the winners in the fat loss game. I’ll let you in on a few secrets of what I’ve found out and here are my top 5 tips to overcome your paralysis and get started towards results and being a more amazing version of yourself. (More about joining my group of online chicky babes who GET results in a minute)

1. You have injuries and you ‘can’t exercise’.


Train another body part then. Sore back, train your arms. Sore knees, train your upper body. Sore neck, train your lower body.

Although breaking it into sections will sometimes go against ‘what you know’, but you want results right? So try something different.

People who exercise regularly get  injuries, they aren’t just a lucky bunch of injury free people.

However they (and soon you) find something they can do regardless. Consistency is the key. Turn up and DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING. That brings me to point 2,

2. TURN UP – Worry about what you are going to do WHEN you get there, not after the alarm goes off for example.

3. Get accountable to someone. Maybe someone to a. learn from, or b. be scared of. Don’t let this person let you use your excuses, otherwise what’s the point? More of the same equals more of the same.

4. Learn how to fix the problem you have to overcome (Injury or internal dialogue of your own). Working on yourself is a constant art form of creating a more amazing you. Often it’s the internal dialogue and our patterns and habits need help to change but it all starts with being honest with yourself. And asking the right questions. Want help? It’s out there just ask for it.

5. Some day is NOW. Otherwise someday is never. the excuses you use now, will continue to stop them if you let them. Don’t be overwhelmed. Change happens gradually, but easily once you get onto a good thing. Change one thing at a time and do it because you love and respect yourself, not to punish your body.

Go create a more awesome version of you x

Let me know if you need a hand.

Registrations are now open for my post baby weight loss FULLY ONLINE 12 week Program. Click the link to register your details. I cover EVERYTHING and YOU GET RESULTS! 🙂 This program is my heart and soul, everything from nutrition to mindset, recipes and programs for gym and at home. Places are limited each round. The time is NOW 🙂 Click here to apply.

Chicky babes only please.