Tag Archives: new year

Goal Setting – Should You Be Realistic?

goal settingNew year, new you, right?

Or are you just setting yourself up for failure again? So you may as well not bother writing down or setting any goals, in case they are unattainable and you break them within one week of that infamous goal setting month, the biggest ‘Monday’ of the year as I like to refer to it, that’s right, New Years Day.

Personally I’m all for setting goals. To me it feels like you get to write the story, the story of your life that is, rather than leaving it for someone else to design. Some people find that stressful, I think of it more like an adventure… anything can happen (and its even better when what YOU want to happen happens – or rather, you finally pull it off. You have to believe it will though and you have to look at the goals every day and put in the work too).

So get to designing your life and see how creative you can be.


Here’s another few things to consider for you when you are ‘designing your life’ for 2015..

– Maybe we should throw the SMART system (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time based) out the window.. you choose.

– Perhaps your goals should scare the crap out of you. Perhaps you work better if they aren’t scary.

– Definitely write it down and put a time frame on it.

– Remember as many possible aspects of your life; educational, spiritual, emotional, family, relationships, career, money.. and not in any order.

– You may feel selfish but you should also be incredibly excited by the thought of them coming true.

– Plan/imagine DAILY what it will be like when they do come true.

– What are your health plans for 2015?

Click below to look at the desire yearly planner I’m personally using next year from Danielle Laporte; Yearly planner from Danielle Laporte.desire diary Danielle Laporte

“The human brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and memory” – Unknown

Want to make 2015 the healthiest you possibly can?

Click here to see how you can register for my 28 day Rapid Results Program
