Tag Archives: hormones

Anti-aging, gene testing and hormones. Plus how to know if your supplements are working..

So here is a quick (impromptu) interview I did with my Naturopath Lawrey Calabro.

I mentioned I’d be getting a blood test done in the last blog post (I’m a psycho bitch). Anyway she’s a wealth of knowledge so I wanted her opinion on what to ask for at the Doctor’s.

She wasn’t ready for the interview, in fact she was consulting me at the time and I said; This is amazing! can I please record that, people need to hear what you just said? So thanks Lawrey! 🙂

Below is the link to the video. (You may need to be on the blog to view video.)

We are running a retreat together along with some other professionals. If you would like to be personally assessed by both her and I, plus learn more about nutrition and lifestyle changes to move your health and energy forward then apply to come, it’s in Melbourne in March. Click here to find out more info, there’s a few spaces left at the time of writing this.