Tag Archives: great back

Workout time – Learn to do a Chin up and get a great back

It’s a common female issue that I hear about (and obviously I feel the same girls, I am one remember – so sorry you aren’t original there)

‘I’m so weak in my upper body’, ‘oh no don’t make me do them – Chin ups!’ they say.

Well here’s a few ways to ‘get’ yourself to be able to accomplish a chin up.

I can personally only do 3 body weight chin ups myself at this stage.

Watch this space though. Damn! now I have to get myself stronger, as you are all going to hold me accountable. Right? 😉

Here’s the workout on video;

Lat pull down wide grip with an extra 1/4 at the top (to get you good at initiating a chin up).
Negative close grip pull ups (jump up and lower yourself down slowly).
Wide Grip Barbell Row
Straight arm lat pulldown
Single Arm Dumbell Row.
perform all exercises with the repetition range you are working with. eg. 10-12, ideally less reps for strength. (10-12 reps lasts 40 seconds approx and is good for general conditioning – timing, reps and rest periods are always dependent upon your goals and training experience.)

Feel free to contact me to help you with your program design goals.

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