Tag Archives: grains

Gluten free for fat loss yes or no? the following is what I tell my clients..

gluten freeSo if you are thinking of, or have tried gluten free or grain free for fat loss or health you have probably heard conflicting stories.

The experts can’t agree and where is the evidence coming from for the debate? There are many schools of thought, a lot lead by large corporations with budgets to make but here’s my take on it;

If you’ve ever tried going grain or wheat free you will know what I’m talking about when I say that without eating these things regularly, not only does your fat disappear fast, but your overall energy levels are increased dramatically and so is your health as a whole.

Q – Do I believe in gluten free?

A – I think it’s a bit of a band aid solution, but it works.

Why? A few reasons in my book: grains are meant to be fermented (as in the human bodies digestion has developed over thousands of years and is used to (depending upon the culture) consuming fermented grains (meaning they are soaked before they are eaten).

The soaking process helps the grain become digestible which effects your body in several ways. From an aesthetic point of view it stops the body from becoming swollen caused partly by an inflammatory response from eating it, plus
it makes the grain more digestible and stops it from releasing it’s phytates within your digestive system, potentially blocking the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals from the rest of the food you are eating see more about soaking here.

Q – Can I just replace everything with the gluten free alternative?

A – for the reasons mentioned above, grains, all grains even wheat alternatives like soy, rice, millet and other ‘gluten free alternatives’ are still often sprayed and genetically modified. (And they are still grains which need to be treated like grains before eating them or avoided for better health). So the short answer is no its better to not simply replace wheat with gluten free and ‘she’ll be right.

If you buy the organic version of the above you are safe from the pesticides and genetic modification problem, but I’d still advise you soak them to improve your health.

Pesticides are the other problem. Grains are a highly sprayed crops and also genetically modified to withstand the pesticide sprays. None of these products are suitable for human consumption, however ‘within a certain level’ the governing bodies say that it is safe, this is another argument altogether. What you want your family to consume is completely up to you. Also what grain companies are allowed to put on their crops and what they put on them are two different stories. (I do have insiders knowledge on this one, although you don’t have to look far for the answers if you want them.)

Click here for some more info on the Organic debate.

All of these reasons are why I say – avoid wheat and your health will improve dramatically and your waist will shrink.

The results speak for themselves when you cut these things from your diet, cravings are reduced, energy levels are lifted… Try it for yourself and you will see. In my opinion it’s definitely one of the biggest ‘bang for your buck’ fat loss and nutrition tips that makes a difference.

If you have any questions about how to get your health and weight loss on track feel free to contact me here for a free coaching call.