Tag Archives: fat loss program

Me Fat vs. Now – How I used to think

My aim with this post is to help you shorten your pain and frustration if you are in any,

while you are trying to ‘get healthy’ or ‘lose weight’.

Here we go;

As soon as my eyes were open in the morning this is what Id’ think;

  • THEN: I can’t believe I’m this fat, I should know what to do to change, I’m a personal trainer 🙁

insert picture here of someone squeezing their fat and having a very sad face 🙁

  • NOW: I am so grateful for this little healthy girl who’s just woken me up… and I’m also grateful for… x, y, z. (the list changes daily) – Sometimes I still have to fight off the habit off squeezing any fat and saying negative things to myself, but I’m definitely winning that war. Distraction is a great thing.

NO I’m not saying I’m fat, but see how we all do our own heads in with this talk? – I’m similar to you, we are all a work in progress.


  • THEN: It doesn’t matter that I eat this packet of raw cookie dough as I’m fat anyway and completely bored with my life.
  • NOW: I’m conscious of what I’m eating. I mostly follow ‘paleo’ eating (I have done for approx 12 years) although I sometimes add carbs like sweet potato, potato and some rice. Most importantly I’m mindful – and present, while I’m eating it… even when I do overdose on the odd family block of Kit Kat or Potato cakes.

See, I still have treats (or eat off the plan), often several times each week but it doesn’t happen as often as it used to – plus it makes me feel sick which is a real deterrent. And I just want to add, I don’t sit there and put myself down while I’m doing it, I enjoy it. I now think, oh well, this might disrupt my sleep and I’m going to feel a little ‘hung over’ from the food tomorrow so I just know that’s going to happen and the world won’t end (I also try not to make major life changing decisions on these days haha – as that’s how I ended up in Melbourne, coming from Sydney. I made a tired decision, long funny story that one).

OH ALSO A Damage Control Supplement Tip: I also take 2-3 fish oil (or borage seed oil) capsules immediately afterwards, AND 1 Green Tea capsule, so my blood sugar doesn’t spike too high and then crash (which leads to the growth of more fat cells, one feeling more ‘crap’ for want of a better technical term and not to mention a damaged pancreas).


  • THEN: Just do functional exercise as it uses your whole body at once for more of a fat burning effect, and it’s great for stability and strength.
  • NOW: I’ve realised the more full body circuit / running / long cardio workouts I do, the tired-er I get. (This has only effected me post baby I might add, which is why I sometimes like to take it out of mumma’s weekly exercise routines when they are my clients). I’m not saying don’t EVER do them, I’m just saying listen to your body, it knows and maybe there’s no need to bash it into being how you want it.


  • THEN: Who’s body is this?? I hate it!!… (I used to run into things with my hips for the first little while after I had my daughter, then I got used to being bigger – which was depressing in itself). I completely disrespected myself and I thought that if I bashed myself up enough that would lead to me finally getting my size 10 body back post baby. But 4 Years after having her I was still close to 90 kg and a size 16-18 🙁
  • NOW: I’m stuck with this body for life, I will nourish it, respect it and damn well get it to do what I want by working with it, not pushing against it. Rather I need to develop patience.

I really had to let go of what I knew to be ‘the best way’ of exercising and eating and I had to try new things 🙂

It also helps that I have dived into, and I am incredibly grateful for, my work and the ability or career choice of making my life about helping other people, as soppy as that sounds. There’s nothing (that I’ve found) to be as effective to make you forget about your troubles as contributing to others and being around other people. So maybe you could get a cause bigger than yourself?

For a more detailed explanation of my post baby weight loss story, click to have a look at these videos I made here. They pretty much bare all.

Maybe you are not on a weight loss journey, maybe you are just on a ‘learn a new skill’ journey… I hope you can get something out of my story. I know I learnt to try new things rather than pushing crap up hill, so to speak.. by repeating old methods, day in day out, even though they weren’t working.

One simple example was that I had been exercising longer instead of smarter… To the detriment of my body as I got very,  very tired, (and all you mums out there know you can’t afford to work, run a house and have a sleep in the middle of the day).

Here’s the link to my post baby weight loss videos again.

For now, stop bashing yourself. Love yourself instead. Know that you WILL get there, where ever you are going.

You are already amazing xx

My version of fat burning cardio.. Plus download a free program for you to do

Here’s the program for you to download:  Click here Full body circuit A and B

In the video I added a few extra exercises and also increased the repetitions from 12 to 20! yep it was an ‘ouch’ experience.

Please feel free to ask any questions below;

Running Tips plus a Cardio workout

I’m often talking to clients about reducing the amount of cardio they do so you might think that I don’t like cardio… however, I just like my clients to do something different. (Especially females who come to me after doing lots of cardio classes).

*Insert Boast here* I do want to boast though, that some of my clients have been elite long distance athletes. One of the most amazing was a 24 hr marathon runner, who came to see me originally for a sore hip. After changing his routine to less cardio work (from 6 to 2-3 sessions/week) and more strength work (plus he switched his eating to almost paleo) he, at 55 yrs old, ran the best 24 hr race of his life. Pain free.

My point is sometimes less is more, get technique correct, function and move without pain and do what you enjoy which hopefully isn’t always sitting on the couch, lol (personally my body doesn’t love to run more than 15 km’s, if I’m to do cardio, you are more likely to see me in the cycle room).


1. Build a solid foundation

During running a lot of time is spent bouncing from one leg to the other. It makes sense then to get very good at balancing and propelling yourself forwards from one leg as these skills are a fundamental part of running. Flexibility, stability and strength are required from your feet to your head and neck.

2. Incorporate Strength Training

Running breaks down muscle tissue, resulting in weight loss but also a reduction in your metabolism and a loss in strength, therefore the potential for injury is greater. For this reason special attention should be paid to resistance/weight training as part of your weekly routine. Weight training results in muscle and tendon regrowth making your joints and muscles stronger and when performed correctly can also increase your joint stability. A 30-40min session 2-3 times a week will help combat some of the negative effects running has on your body.

> Click here < for the beginner to intermediate full body program <

Click here < for an advanced full body weight training program

3. The Three B’s

The Big Toe, the Belly and the Butt. In running there needs to be a connection between ‘the three B’s’ or your running efficiency will be seriously compromised. Make sure all three are not just strong but are functionally strong (that they are communicating well with each other). If only one of the three are not working well then running efficiency will be compromised, with the potential to cause injury.

4. Move your Shoulders

We must not make the mistake of thinking that running involves only our legs. In running our upper body also helps to move us forward, through the use of our shoulder girdle. As our arms swing the shoulder girdle moves forwards and then backwards with specific timing in relation to our legs to help produce force. This is a major factor in improving efficiency of both your gait (stepping stride) and running technique.

5. Stretching and Trigger Point Release (massage)

The goal with stretching and trigger point release is to keep the length tension relationship between the muscles optimal which in turn will enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Stretching and trigger point release are just as important as exercise itself. A flexibility program should be included as part of your training program. Make sure you are only stretching tight muscles pre-exercise and do all the major muscles after your workout (some people are very flexible while others are not). A posture assessment with a qualified practitioner/trainer will help you to understand what you specifically need to work on.

Using a ‘foam roller’ is a fantastic start to start releasing the tight tissue around your joints, especially those quads (thighs) and knees.

6. Hip Extension

Hip extension is when the knee travels behind the line of your hip. During your running stride this will help your body to utilize the spring action of the hip and abdominal muscles.

7. Train for function

The body has natural slings (groups of muscles which work together to perform movements). For example during the running stride when the back foot is coming through to strike the ground again it should be the uncoiling of the shoulders and oblique muscles which allows this to happen effortlessly.

The human body recognises movements, not muscles. For example, when weight training an example for a thigh (or quadriceps) strengthening exercise on a machine may be a seated leg extension, unfortunately this exercise has no carryover to improving ones gait or functional strength other than to improve what you can lift on the leg extension machine (as we do not sit down to walk or run). An example of a functional leg exercise would be a squat or a lunge, as these movements can be replicated in real life (outside of the gym). Note: they move many joints of the body at once, which integrates your nervous system and require the core to be activated because they are done from the standing position, thus strengthening an entire system of muscles at once.

Tip: want to use your core more? Stand up to do your weights. Sitting down allows your core to rest, so only do this when you are tired and need to focus on specific muscles.

8. Be Quiet

Too often feet can be heard landing while running. Try to notice if this is you next time you are on the treadmill or outside. If you can hear yourself land then each thud you make creates a lot of stress for your body to absorb in the form of shock and vibration. In fact up to 7 times your body weight travels through the joints, skeletal system, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue and you are also losing the body’s natural ability to generate force. If you run quietly the body will use the force generated though the muscles in a similar way to a system of rubber bands, lengthening and shortening. Next time you run try to impact with as little noise as possible. This will seem hard at first but it will get easier and your joints will thank you for it.


For a fantastic interval training workout to shock your body try Poliquin’s interval training method below.

If a preparatory phase is needed before embarking on the below Interval program in table 2, follow the workouts in table 1, otherwise if you have been exercising consistently for more than 2 months, start from table 2 workout 1:

Table 1:

Workout(s) Sets High Intensity Rest Period – Low Intensity
1 4 40 Sec. 4:00
2 4 40 Sec. 3:45
3 4 40 Sec. 3:30
4 5 40 Sec. 3:15
5 5 40 Sec. 3:00
6 5 40 Sec. 2:45
7 6 40 Sec. 2:30
8 6 40 Sec. 2:15

Perform 2 (max 3) sessions/week on non-consecutive days

Table 2:

Workout(s) Sets High Intensity Rest Period – Low Intensity
1 & 2 6 40 Sec. 2:00
3 & 4 7 40 Sec. 2:00
5 & 6 8 40 Sec. 2:00
7 & 8 9 40 Sec. 2:00
9 & 10 10 40 Sec. 2:00
11 & 12 11 40 Sec. 2:00
13 & 14 12 40 Sec. 2:00
15 & 16 12 45 Sec. 1:45
17 & 18 12 45 Sec. 1:30

Perform 2 sessions/week (3 max) on non-consecutive days.

Before embarking on Workout (table) 1, take a practice workout or two to establish the fastest possible speed for the “High Intensity” sets. This is very important to elicit the proper hormonal response.

Click the image below for the ‘downloadable’ PDF version






Please leave any questions you have below.

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