Tag Archives: diet

This is one of the Major diet systems I use

In my opinion, the Metabolic typing diet is the ‘diet to end all diets’ as it really works on uncovering your own digestive strengths. Here’s why I love it so much;

You see we are so fast to assume that we need to find the right diet, the final one that will work and last for us.

Many people and ‘diets’ overlook just how different two people are.  We all have our own metabolic profiles and digestive systems that run best on certain nutrients.diet image

Case in point: compare and contrast the diet of someone living in Africa with someone living in the Arctic. Both areas are home to humans who should require the same ‘healthy diet’ for living, but when look closer at what they actually eat to survive optimally, we see very different menus being utilized. Human beings digestive systems vary in length and therefore capabilities when it comes to being able to break down certain nutrients.

There is no such thing as a standard ‘healthy diet’.  What must be the focus is on eating natural foods that are right for you.

This is the premise of what the metabolic typing theory is all about. Identifying our differences. Let’s look further at the three metabolic types. Where do you fall? (Note: it often takes time to find out what you truly digest best.)


The Protein Type Diet

Do you feel hungry 24/7?  Always have a strong appetite and eat to go along with it? Are you either tired all the time or feel like you have quick bursts of energy that only leave you even more exhausted than before?

If so, there’s a good chance you’re the protein metabolic type. These individuals may also begin to experience strong cravings for sugar if they begin eating high carb foods and not enough of the protein foods that work well with their body.

Likewise, feast on high protein savoury (probably your favourite) but unhealthy choices such as sausages, pizza, chicken wings, or pepperoni and you won’t be any better off as you’ll be putting your health in harm’s way.

The solution to this?  You’ll want to eat a diet that focuses on healthy lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, and grass fed beef, and dark meats like chicken thigh are probably a favorite of yours. Adding to this moderate doses of healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocado, oils, and fatty fish.  Keep carbs on the lower end, eating primarily only fruits and vegetables.


The Mixed Type Diet

The second type to know of is the mixed diet type. This individual is highly versatile and will feel good as long as they get a relatively even amount of proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, coming from natural sources.

Eat too much of any one food and you’ll find your balance of energy and well-being gest thrown way off.


The Carbohydrate Type Diet

Finally, you have the carbohydrate metabolic type. These individuals are often naturally lean and can handle most carbohydrate rich foods very well.  If they eat too many of them though – particularly foods high in sugar, energy problems will occur.

You’ll do best eating three larger meals a day, and focusing on smaller snacks in between. Make sure that you do snack regularly however to avoid a sluggish metabolism due to waiting too long to eat.

Your meals should focus primarily on carbohydrate rich foods, adding smaller amounts of lower fat protein into the mix.

So as you can see, not all people are created equally. Having success with your nutrition plan is all about learning your own body and what works best for you. Not following some cookie-cutter diet and hoping for the best.  Although so long as you don’t cut calories for too long and can stick to something for long enough to see results… well its possible to find something that works for you.


I personally prefer to teach clients to listen to their body – it sends you messages each and every day and even after each meal. Then when you finally pay attention, weight loss and the ultimate in health will be yours.

Stay tuned for my up coming Ebook on the diet to end all diets.

Make sure you like my facebook page to stay ahead of the updates on that one https://www.facebook.com/katemartinpersonaltrainer

What other diets would you like my opinion on that you’ve heard about?

If you would like me to help you ‘find’ the right diet for you 😉 Or in other words, how you best digest food, drop me a line here