Tag Archives: behaviour

9 things I personally do to stay lean and feeling awesome

Kate Martin11. I never (ok very, VERY rarely) tell myself I’m fat – anymore. I used to when I was post baby, but that’s another story. Never, ever, this is sooo critical to you getting what you want from your body. Try this – whenever you hear yourself say these things to yourself, you are honestly going to get more of it so stop, acknowledge what needs to be done, distract yourself from thinking like that and get on with it.

2. I try not to believe my own b.s. excuses..Trust me I have them. So does EVERYONE. But I also have many, many people in my life who call me on it.. as much as I dislike it sometimes, they are often right. Surround yourself with these honest b.s. calling people if you want to get anywhere apart from believing your own b.s. and wallowing in it but wondering why things (your body, life – whatever situation) is still the same. What are you b.s-ing yourself about at the moment?

3. I am accountable to someone/something to the point where if I don’t do it I will be either 1 – REALLY embarrassed as I’ve public-ally claimed something, or 2. I will lose my money (and usually a lot of it) as I’m paying for advice so I’d better implement what I’m paying for.

4. I change my exercise program to things I’d prefer not to do. Eg. I will spend a certain period (3-4 weeks) lifting just heavy or doing high reps.

5. I try to stick to things long enough to see results – in the health and fitness game anyway. Realistically I think you feel a difference in 1-2 weeks and after 3-4 weeks you see it. Try not to waiver during this time, try not to listen to the opinions of others during this time either if that will make you lose your focus. Which brings me to my next point.

6. I don’t care what I look like/what other people think if I am doing what’s different to the norm. Eg. I often eat out of a plastic container at inappropriate times (I figure I’m not going to stay home just because I am following x, y, z diet because I thoroughly enjoy socializing with my friends – and the real ones will love you no matter how strange your behaviour, so long as you aren’t harming anyone), even though they do sometimes think I’m crazy or embarrassing.

7. I get out of my comfort zone/learn something new. This stretches the mind and I’ll admit I do need to do this more often. But achieving things you didn’t think you could do, even if it’s, for example, lifting weights that were shit scared of does translate to the rest of your life and the confidence spreads throughout your life and into other parts.

8. I don’t calorie restrict anymore – (yes I’ve done it before, when I was desperate to lost weight after having my bub) for more than several weeks at a time. I really do want my brain function to be at an all time high. Girls you really honestly GROW fat cells when you calorie restrict, be careful and have an excellent eating plan which includes healthy saturated fats for when you come off it is all I’ll say on that.

9. I use the mantra ‘I love myself’. Try saying it to yourself at regular intervals throughout the day. Your entire world (internal and external) can change just because of this one thing. Cheers to being awesome! 🙂

I’m sure there’s more than 10 but I want you to share with me yours!

What do you do/have done in the past that’s worked? Change your mind and the body will follow I say.