Category Archives: Nutrition

These things will stop any diet from working…

Girls, before you spend your money on getting skinny – a word of warning that will stop most weight loss programs from working for you:

  • You are taking the contraceptive pill. (this is toxic and it will stop you from losing the last few kilos. Find another form of contraception if possible, or at a minimum have a break from it for 12 months)
  • You have dieted/exercised heavily, (calorie reduction AND/OR overused cardio), more than 3 times for more than periods of 3 wks at a time. This can be corrected but takes patience and time.
  • You have taken weight loss/fat loss pills or shakes without supervision (actually as a female when you restrict calories you will grow more fat cells so be careful) and you slowly ruin your thyroid.

All of the above can be fixed but takes time and patience. Contact me today for a phone call consultation if this sounds like you.

My top 5 tips for a Lean Christmas PLUS an away from Home Holiday Exercise Program

5694031By implementing these EASY to implement tips you will be able to minimise the damage done this festive season, if not REDUCE your waistline.

1. Water: Drink a minimum of 3-4 Litres of clean filtered water each day (click the link to see why). This can help stop the absorption of bad food, so be sure to drink plenty while consuming ‘junk’ food. but it also makes sure your digestion keeps moving and you keep eliminating, which is essential for fat loss.

2. Breakfast is a big deal: Start the day with eating Protein, this can be eggs or left over cold meat, or a home made smoothie using almond milk or water and a clean protein powder. By avoiding the grain (cereal and or toast) consumption first thing in the morning this will help you to ward off the 3pm sugar cravings. I know without a doubt that if you can control your insulin you can control your sugar cravings and that works for most people much better than following ‘low fat, low calorie rules’ OR having lots of discipline when it comes to eating well.

3. Stop sugar in its tracks: Perform 50 body weight squats before eating ‘junk’ food, and 50 afterwards (or as many as you can do. This helps the carbs be shuttled towards the muscle tissue instead of being stored as fat (in a very simple explanation).

4. Drinking alcohol? If drinking make sure you top up your zinc levels with a quality chelated Zinc supplement and stick to either a light red wine or white spirits and soda water for less calories.

5. Relax, re-assess, chill out – Remember this time of year is meant to be fun and relaxing so enjoy yourself and don’t feel guilty by letting yourself have some fun. Spend some time re-assessing what makes you happy, spend some time be-ing happy regardless of your situation.
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!

Below is the link to the away from Home Exercise circuit you can do while on holidays. Enjoy!



Download the Away from Home Exercise Circuit Document


Get in touch with Kate:



10 Tips: Tip 9 Want to reduce Thigh Fat? Are your beauty products full of synthetic chemicals?

894931345Not only have the toxic chemicals (such as parabens) used in most of our beauty products, from things such as moisturiser, soap, shampoo to perfume, been proven to add extra load on your liver for detoxification, they have also been proven to add to your body fat. In fact some have a far reaching effect upon our health and there is very little to no regulation on what chemicals are allowed to be used in these products, so it is very much buyer beware.

Things to look out for in your beauty products are anything ending in ‘paraben’.

Click here safe lists and for more detailed information on what could be harmful in your beauty products.


Get in touch with Kate:


Can drinking tap water be making you sick or fat?

785749235Did you know in your tap water you are potentially drinking the following chemicals;

Chlorine – Contributes to Oestrogen fat storing sites, as well as killing your important gut bacteria.

Fluoride – As many arguments against as there are for, do your own research, I avoid it like the plague.

Pesticides/Fertilizers – Pesticides kill bugs by attacking their nervous system, would you like to eat it on conventional foods, or would you prefer to drink the residues in your drinking water because the governing bodies have decided its safe for human consumption.

Copper – Its in possibly in your pipes (see ****Link below for more facts on what’s in your water).

Aluminium – As above.

Yes they all claim to be in the water at such small parts per million (and that makes it safe for human consumption says who???) but did you know the smaller the part, so long as it is present it’s still able to enter our bodies cells and potentially alter the normal chemical reactions and processes which take place.

Click here for some more amazing facts on your Australian Drinking water and how the things in your tap water may lead to many common diseases and infertility problems seen today. Also you will learn more about water filters and what you can do about it.

Remember to keep it simple – Always drink fresh clean filtered water, not out of a plastic bottle.

It’s not hard, your waistline and your health will thank you for it.


Get in touch with Kate:


Why do we grow fat cells if not for calorie storage???

There are many factors involved when it comes to why we grow fat cells.

Have you heard the theory that your hormones play a very large role in where you store your body fat?

And that perhaps that the calorie theory by itself is just a little outdated?

Did you know there are many reasons why humans store fat and that our stomach’s are perhaps not just saving it for an extra lap around the block, or that extra mile we might decide to run on the treadmill?

Below are some of the top reasons (which you may or may not have realised) that are causing you to gain and store excess unwanted body fat and some things you can do to stay healthy:


Fat storage where?
What can cause this?
What can you do about it?
1. Stomach 1. Excessive levels of cortisol hormone and insulin sensitivity. 1. Eat 5 meals throughout the day, making sure you eat protein each time you eat. This will effect both cortisol and insulin positively. Read more about how to reduce your Cortisol here.
2. Thighs / Hamstrings 2. Excessive levels of the ‘female’ hormone oestrogen (and likely oestrogen mimickers). Other toxins are also stored here, such as pesticides used in conventional farming. 2. Go Organic! – there, I can’t believe I said it.. (I’m always holding back on this one, but no more!..your families health will improve dramatically!) keep an eye out for an up coming interview with founder of organic empire on how she started and how you too can afford organic.Also aim to reduce all plastic usage, synthetic chemicals and parabens in your household and daily use. Eg. perfumes, shampoos and creams which use parabens as fillers, and plastic bottles – especially Australians! Read more about one of Australia’s (Melbourne’s) best organic suppliers
3. Butt 3. As above, but a note that cellulite is toxic fat which means the liver may be overloaded. 3. By the time you get tested with a blood test that shows the results ‘Liver failure’ it is too late! BEFORE this happens the liver tells the body to grow more fat cells so it can store toxins in there, rather than causing toxins to circulate throughout the blood. So get a clean liver, more tips here.
4. Triceps / floppy upper arms /
tuck shop arms
4. As above with regard to estrogen, also with zinc deficiency. 4. As above, point 2 + 3 and find out if you are Zinc deficient.
5. Man Boobs 5. Excessive oestrogen in the male body (often from synthetic mimickers). 5. Ditto point 2


Click here to Read Charles Poloquins theory on ‘Why the Calorie Approach to Weight Loss Doesn’t Work: Calories are Stupid’

So what do you think? Going to waste time running another 10 kilometres or miles on the treadmill or get down to some serious fat removing tactics with these health tips? 😉 Let me know how you go in the comments..


Get in touch with Kate: