Category Archives: Nutrition

How To Get Abs – Seminar Notes and the Audio

In this material I cover and uncover what it takes for you to get the abs you want, through other means other than counting calories. Sure calories count, but they aren’t the ONLY thing that aids or stops fat loss.

Click here to download the pdf handout >> Abs seminar July 2016 KMM

I’ve also included the link to the audio recording of the seminar.
It’s best if you start that at 4min 15sec. You will need a quiet room to listen to it, or a set of headphones.

Let me know if you have any questions..

THE ULTIMATE checklist for Fat loss and Health

So I thought I’d share with you a ‘checklist’ of sorts that I ask clients when they ask me to help them with their fat loss and body goals.

As you can see it’s far more than calories (although yes they count at times).. Here’s the post I recently shared on Facebook;


Your health coach should be like a detective in my mind..
Here are Some of the things I ask my one on one health consultation clients; ( and it’s not so I can cure all of their ills, it’s so I know where the limits of my expertise can or cannot help someone. If I cannot help I’ll never hesitate in referring them elsewhere).

This is part of a message I sent a potential client looking to win her figure competition, earlier today. (I understand we don’t all want to be figure competitors, my point is if this stuff helps to find out why someone isn’t ‘losing’ the last part of the body fat and they are clearly already eating and exercising to the best of their ability, these are the OTHER factors which can and will often play a large role.

Here they are;
How long and how much dieting have you done? Be specific calories/phases etc.
What meds do you take? Eg the pill, or anything. Any contraceptives? Ever?
Have u had exposure to chemicals in the past? Think paint/heavy metal exposure?

Which country did you grow up in.. and from what age?

Do you have murcury fillings?
Had them extracted?

Do you sleep well? Tell me as much as possible about that.

Chiky babes – your menstrual cycle, tell me about that in detail.

What supplements do you take if any? Be specific in brand and amount.

Give me an example of your current energy levels past 3 days and diet.

Whats your current and past 6 months exercise regime (basic overview). Days, energy systems. Reps, phases etc. (in other words, what exercise are you doing in detail)

Where are u now and whats the goal with ur body?

So yes it can be quite in depth…
No I do not believe its ever all about calories, but yes that does work for some. However not all the time.

PUS this has not even begun to find out what your self talk and language is doing to your body. Trust me, it’s potentially THE reason you are not getting results..

Want my full undivided attention and to find all the underlying reasons why you cannot get where you wan tot be and to push through them faster than you thought possible?
Come away with me on this amazing 5 day ALL EXPENSES INCLUDED retreat on the Gold Coast this August

>Click here for more details about the retreat <<

Let me know if you need help in any way with your BODY and I’ll see if I can help you. OR I’ll send you to someone who can xx

Is fat gain caused by Nutrient deficiencies?

It’s been a while since I wrote to you, so I hope you are doing well?! xx

For some reason as far as weight loss is concerned this topic keeps coming up for me. Maybe it’s just like how when you look out for a white car you want to buy, you see them everywhere..

Anyway back on the topic of deficiencies and fat loss. As you have no doubt noticed, it’s very easy to lose weight when you are younger, as you may already know and I have a theory for that, which I might add is getting more and more ‘proven’ by the ‘experts’ research.

Nutrient deficiencies from age, stress and babies!

(I’ll include a very large link to more research in the next email.)

What I really want to discuss today are some other facts which aren’t as well publicised in the media and those are that to ‘lose fat’ and keep it off, your body needs to be healthy. Healthy from a standpoint of being fully topped up in happy hormones, vitamins and minerals. Minerals which, some of our bodies are better at holding onto, as we age, or for genetic reasons, than others bodies.

Lots of things such as age, having babies and stress all play a huge rule in how our bodies metabolic functions cope. Post baby I was definitely in the ‘not coping’ category and you could tell this from the 40 odd Kilograms (90 pounds) I gained during pregnancy – which did not fall off.. anyway I digress.

Stress plays a huge role too in body fat reduction and can be attributed to the bodies natural metabolic processes of circulating unwanted ‘stress chemicals/cortisol’ taking place. Hence when you allow the body to de-stress you then allow fat loss… (I’m going to save more info on the ‘stress part’ for another blog post).

I truly believe that nutrient deficiencies are a key reason as to why some people lose weight faster than others.

You see nutrient deficiencies lead to poor overall health as the health of the body as the internal function of each cell is effected. In fact the entire digestive system as a whole is effected. (yep you know what I mean, the number ‘2’s’ start to slow down and/or not eliminate fully… and you can clearly see why having a gut full of that is not good for you and also means you are bloated..).

Now just think of each of your several trillion cells which you are made up of, not being able to ‘eliminate’ their waste products. Yep, you know what I mean… those little cells then get tired, slow and reproduce the next cell with less than efficient building blocks, hence speeding up the aging process.


So once the entire metabolic process slows down, more toxins circulate and we often gain weight. Weight loss, or fat loss is a metabolic process.  We grow and store fat cells is because our liver chooses to grow the fat cell, then shuttle toxins in there instead of allowing them to circulate through the blood stream and endanger the body. It’s the elimination of waste products and toxins, fast, that is pinnacle to being able to eliminate fat.

I hope you can see it’s not all about the calories?

The solution

Fancy supplements are not usually needed long term, however basics often are. They re-fuel the body with the essential nutrients we simply do not get from the soil anymore.

When our cells have the complete nutrients they desire they are then able to eliminate waste product in all forms from within our cells.

So how do you get ‘Healthy’ and re-mineralise your body.. To support your liver and all metabolic (especially elimination) functions.

Here we go I’m going to tell you what I did step for step post baby supplement wise (I’m going to piss a lot of high paid coaches off here).

I want to also state that every person is different and that to really conclude what you are deficient in you can have a blood test (and not the standard blood test your G.P will give you), but something from a specialist, reply to this email if you want some peoples details close to you where can do this.

My personal supplement list;

2 capsules of Hcl (500mg) during each main meal, to aid stomach acid production – The absolute KEY (in my opinion) to aid digestion and therefore absorption of nutrients, therefore enhancing fat loss.

9-12,000 mg of a dha/epa blend per day (fish oil) Spread through the day.

6 capsules of zinc (chelated form), spread through the day. Only taken with food.

4 capsules of magnesium (chelated forms) daily at night before bed.

30-40,000 iu of vitamin D, 2 x per week

Multivitamin (6 capsules daily) 3 with Breakfast and 3 with Lunch

1 dosage of an oestrogen reducing pea and rice blended protein shake per day.

This is not a prescription for you. All of these are very high dosages.

They worked/work for me.

Everyones situation is different and I need to say ALL supplements are VERY different quality. Make sure you use practitioner brand and a practitioner recommendation for you and always listen to your body. There was a few other things I included and rotate between having and not having but these were and still are the main (especially after times of stress for me – I often re-start them).

so where are you at yourself?

I’m interested to hear if you have any questions.


on a different topic there’s two up coming events where you have the opportunity to work with me;


I’m doing a 7 day face to face intensive in Jan in Melbourne – AM Daily sessions

7 days starting the first week of January where we spend the morning together and I personally coach you on Mindset, take you through exercise and coach you on nutrition to get you results, looking and feeling amazing. Lots of bonuses and extra surprise thrown in.

‘on location in Melbourne and also then in your home’

Reply to this email to lock in your place.


and a 5 day Retreat which will blow your mind in Qld – March 2016.


Reply to me on this email if you are interested in either of these.

As usual, there will be limited spots.

Everything is available on payment plan, never let that be an issue for you to get results.


Chat soon,


Smoothie or Juice?

Get the goodness into any way you can, I say….

I used to say, NO DON’T BLEND THINGS be careful as the blender heats the goodness and destroys the mitsi-goblets which hurts your dna and chromosomes, and the juicer does the same thing and destroys the nutrients unless you get a SLLLLOOOOW pressed $50,000 juicer, however – Now I say get either into you as it’s better than nothing right?

And if you wait around for the perfect solution you may not do anything hey? So lets go with juices and smoothies are great so use them, (provided you can digest what you are putting in them – which goes without saying).

green smoothie





Here are some smoothie ideas for those starting out;

Simply choose 4-5 of the following raw ingredients and blend together, hey there’s no rules, if you want to, throw the whole lot in! 🙂

Celery stalks

Baby spinach





½ Avocado

1 green apple

½ Banana

Tiny squeeze of lemon or lime

Water (depending on how much juice/mush or smoothie you would like)

Obviously the fruit portion makes it taste sweeter, but the less fruit you can get used to the better, in my book… but in some cases you just need to get it into your mouth 😉

Note: if you have a thyroid condition I recommend staying away from the kale, spinach and silverbeet when raw but everything else from this list is good to go.

Below are some more links to check out if you want more fruit involved, although if you are on one of my programs, that’s ‘probably’ reduced, but comment below if you are not sure about that one and I’ll do my best to tell you what I think might be a good fit for you. I love this chik! She also has lots of great vegetarian recipes and ‘know how’ when it comes to digesting lentils.

Let me know how you go with your smoothies!

If you need a helping hand with your nutrition, or a kick up the butt, either way I’m happy to help 🙂 drop me a line here


Need Fast Simple Healthy Lunchbox ideas? I do!

Plus some tips for sugar and wheat replacements in the lunchbox. (click here for more on my wheat free theories)

No seriously it can be yummy for kids and us without these things in our life at every meal, it just takes a little experimenting and perseverance – the results (your kids health) are definitely worth it.

Now, I just made some standard (but from scratch choc chip cookies and was packing my daughters lunch which inspired this post and not to mention often clients in need of lunch box ideas for kids).

choc chip cookies

My lunchbox packing skills are far from what I think are perfect or ideal, and of course once I get used  to what she likes, she of course changes her mind.. ah the joys. I can’t complain, having only one  child and a young one at that, I look forward to your comments and help below on your lunch box  suggestions if you have any!

So if it were perfect then there’d be no sugar and very little wheat and if there was either of those it  would be organic, (purely to keep the pesticides within her diet to a low level). However life is not  perfect (something I’m constantly learning to be O.K. with).

Anyway onto lunch box SIMPLE Tips;

– So to start simply put time aside 1 – 2 times per month do a bake up of some gluten free, sugar free cookies, slices or muffins.. click here to try my sugar free slice. Quartering oranges is also a fabulous lunchbox idea – these can be frozen ahead of time too.

– In fact almost everything (snacks) can be frozen and put in their lunchbox straight from the freezer to thaw out.

– When trying new recipes if your kids can taste the difference of dates or honey replacing sugar, then perhaps try using half the old ingredients and half the new.. Or slowly replacing the old with the new. (Same goes with replacing traditional wheat flour with rice, coconut and gluten free flour mixes..)

– I also find if she takes part in the cooking, she’s more likely to eat it.

Your child’s behaviour and overall health will benefit in leaps and bounds, so stick with it, I promise it will be so worth it.

Here’s another picture of my little girls lunchbox, she’s currently doing a ‘I don’t eat animals’ phase and so as a result I try to get chicken stock and fish oil into her as often as possible to keep her nutrient levels up. Here there is chopped organic veges, organic bought cookies, and a spelt ‘mountain bread’ wrap (available in supermarkets) with organic chocolate & agave spread on it (different from cane sugar, available from health food shops).

lunch box

Below is a recipe for Chocolate cookies, almost 100% sugar free and 100% grain and wheat


(why reducing wheat may be good for your overall health click here for more on my wheat free  theories)



Please share your tips with me in the comments below… I am all ears to new ideas from those of  you  out there with many more years lunch box packing experience than me.

Coaching clients on how to implement new healthy habits into their families lifestyles is part of how I coach clients. To me it’s all about filling the gap on your health, providing a healthy lifestyle for those you care for is a very important part of this.

Let me know if you need help in achieving your health goals. Click the link to contact me here to see if I can help you.