Category Archives: Mindset

5 Fabulous excuses for NOT exercising… read on and add your own in the comments

113237309I’m the best at making them, or at least I’m up there with the top… So clients and everyone else who’s making excuses as to why you can’t exercise please don’t think you are being original with your excuses, I’ve spent years making excuses myself and listening to all kinds of excuses from clients… below are some of my favourites, and also some of the favourites to overcome them because really everyones got excuses and who needs to hear them… no one! Just get on with it and have fun, you’ll feel better afterwards.


Good Excuse?
No it ain’t!
1. I have a sore back, neck, legs muscles.. whatever 1. If people who are in wheelchairs or with one missing limb can exercise, so can you, train what is not sore.
2. I’m tired 2. You’ll sleep better if you do exercise, keep the session short and productive. Go to bed earlier.
3. I can’t be bothered to get out of bed when its cold / raining / dark outside in the morning 3. So you’d prefer to stay fat? Dont think about it when the alarm goes off, wait until you get into the gym before you think about if you can be bothered.
4. I’m too busy / stressed with work / life commitments 4. When is your life outside of exercise going to stop – ITS NOT! Exercise anyway, it will help you manage your stress better
5. I’m not seeing results, so what’s the point 5. Get assessed and get results


175004655Tips to override any excuse:
  1. Don’t think about whether you ‘feel like doing it’ as the answer from your own mind will most often be ‘no’ – as will most peoples answer, instead get into the session and think about it later. Especially when getting out of bed first thing in the morning, and getting to the gym after work.
  2. Know that you are not original in any excuse, many people feel the same…. who are you going to be in life, someone who does things or someone who talks about ‘going to do’ them? Get some goals to work towards and get someone to help you be accountable to achieving them. This is how I lost weight after having my baby!

Please feel free to add your own excuses in the comments below 🙂 happy training


Get in touch with Kate:


10 Tips: Tip 4 – Self Sabotage – what to look out for..

Click here for part one on self sabotage.

Below are some more tips on how to get the results you are after;

Get Honest and Get Results

Get honest with yourself, take responsibility for where you are and get accountable to someone else. Eg. Have your friend/coach measure you every few weeks. Get a mentor/trusted guide and put the blinkers on to other information you will be bombarded with. Decide upon an agreed time frame to see and feel results by. Eg. 4 weeks.

Remember it should be sustainable (preferably not calorie controlled) and enjoyable if you are going to be able to maintain it. Most importantly you should feel and see results in a short time frame eg. One month. Know that what works for someone else may not work for you. This is very true with diets.

Get off the scales!

Do not watch the scales if you want to be motivated by your results. Pull out some pants from the wardrobe that are slightly too tight, go down dress size at a time. And Get your measurements done regularly, using either body fat or a measuring tape to measure your results. Lean muscle tissue is the heaviest and densest structure in the human body. Your aim is to gain more muscle tissue if you are to drop body fat. You will not look like a body builder.

Be nicer to yourself

Stop criticising yourself or nothing will work – I promise you that! As you just read in part one, theres nothing productive about putting yourself down and one way to stop these thoughts is simply to interrupt them when they start then distract yourself. Always be on your guard, they will creep back in, expect it.
Be grateful daily for how you are now, or the things you have now. Get a goal outside your health to focus on eg. World peace. – a resource for never dieting again.


Get in touch with Kate:


Getting goals Part 1: Do you Self Sabotage? Self Criticism is NOT helpful to attaining weight loss goals

So we’ve all though about setting some kind of health goals right? The ever lingering target of kilos to lose, or to be a certain dress size by summer or for that special event. That’s great, has it worked for you? If not your not alone. Most of the time I believe clients (particularly females living in this western culture) self sabotage themselves before they even have a chance of attaining their health goal.

Why do I think this? Simply because I am one of those who’s target for weight loss (post baby) had seemed so unattainable that I would make sure I criticised myself consistently on a daily basis. In fact from the moment I woke up I would tell myself I was fat, undeserving of being lean and how unattractive I was. Hmm… Not a very productive or positive way to start the day is it?

Does this sound familiar? Every day I talk to clients about how their thoughts are holding them back. Believe me the most sure-fire way to make sure you DO NOT reach your weight loss goals is to criticise yourself as much as you can for being the way you are.

Sure you need to take stock and recognise there is a problem, but put things in place to deal with it and do them on a regular basis. May I advise you that the first step in attaining your health goals is simply to become aware of this little voice and its comments. Try saying to your inner voice; ‘thanks for sharing’, then drop the conversation and get on with what you were doing. Becoming aware is the first step for you to be able to turn these thoughts around.

This is where I started and I know it works for clients. Try it every morning, listen out, become aware then start appreciating what good things you do have. To quote Dr Demartini – ‘You get what you think about and what you thank about’.

By the way, the baby fat is mostly gone, I’m leaner than I’ve been in years and it all started with being aware of this voice.

Good luck – let me know how you go…


Get in touch with Kate:


More important than exercise – Reduce stress to reduce your waistline

Sound too good to be true? Well read on…

Stress can come in many forms:

  1. Physical stress – e.g. Exercise
  2. Chemical stress – e.g. Medication
  3. Electromagnetic stress – e.g. Computers/mobile phones
  4. Psychic or Mental stress – i.e. How you interpret stress
  5. Nutritional stress – e.g. Poor diet
  6. Thermal stress – e.g. Extreme heat/cold

The above can be broken into two types – internal stressors and external stressors.

The more stress your body is under from either internal or external stressors, the more stress hormones it will produce. When your body is over-burdened from producing and coping with stress hormones, it is not able to produce adequate levels or repair hormones to keep your body healthy and slim.

There is now a proven link between producing excess stress hormones (Cortisol) and gaining abdominal fat.

Tips to reduce stress – and therefore reduce your body fat:
  • Remember to breathe properly. When you think of it try to remember to take diaphragm breathes. You will get more oxygen in to feed every cell in your body. This will also help to decrease your cortisol levels.
  • Stay hydrated – drinking less than the recommended daily amount of fluid allows your body to become dehydrated. This will add to your body’s physical stress, in turn raising your internal stress levels.
  • Reduce the amount of artificial stimulants you consume, especially after 2pm. Coffee is very high in antioxidants but consuming it too close to bedtime is detrimental to your health particularly if you are trying to lower your stress levels. One coffee = minus 3 glasses of water.

If you are dehydrated you will feel the need for more stimulants, try having some water first, it may help you to feel better. These stimulants will otherwise raise your cortisol ‘stress’ hormone.

Remember – Internal stressors only serve to magnify external stressors!


Get in touch with Kate:


World Health Revolution – join the facebook group

This facebook group is not about making money or selling a product to you or anyone.

This group is about bringing about change in the state of our health as individuals and across the globe. I propose that one way change can be brought about is by every health practitioner across the globe uniting to cause World Health.

Why is it that our human nature leaves us waiting until the last minute (and usually a catastrophic minute) before we implement change, both on a personal and humanitarian level??

The Health Epidemic Problem –

Sure practitioners might not agree that one medicine or healing methodology suits or even cures everyone… but really how many more people do we have to watch DIE for us to understand that arguing about who is right is not working!!!

What is it going to take for us to change the way we are approaching the health epidemic that we stand before?

What needs to happen for us to stop putting doctors in jail who claim they can cure cancer (for example) and who can successfully do this on occasion. Cancer is just one example.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in the way we approach this if we are going to find a solution. To quote Albert Einstein – ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’

I too have been making other forms of medicine, nutrition and methods of obtaining optimal health, ‘wrong’ and myself and my opinions and beliefs ‘right’. I’ve come to realise this does not work on a personal level nor will it work on the level of humanity.

Please join with me in the understanding that this is how the problem has been caused and it’s not the way we will find the solution.

The Solution –

I don’t have a solution only a belief things can be different… Surely if we unite in our concern for other human beings we can make this shift and think differently, and even work together! Wow. Now that would be amazing.

I Propose –

I don’t exactly know how this is going to work however one suggestion may be for practitioners to trustingly refer clients on to another practitioner and/or methodology of healing if they know they cannot solve the individual’s problem/illness. This will of course be instead of chasing the $$$ but really how many people have to DIE!!????!?!?!?!?

Share your thoughts –

One suggestion I have is to spread the word and expand this group.

What are your thoughts on the topic? Any suggestions about how we can change the way we are doing things so we no longer have to watch our loved ones die?


Get in touch with Kate: