Category Archives: Mindset

How to get HOT – Girls vs Boys. How different are we when it comes to what you know about how to get results?

686538066There seems to be a very long list of what females are brainwashed into thinking it takes to get results vs. what a man thinks, and does to get results.

What I find funny is that us females are often trying very hard to achieve ‘losing fat or getting lean‘ with the below list and the males are simply trying to put on a bit of muscle, and if the girls were to follow some of the info from the boys list they’d SEE RESULTS IN HALF THE TIME!

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The Girls List… Of what to do to get HOT
  1. Follow a Calories restricted diet – Including fun things like, no alcohol, no fat. no chocolate. See why I here.
  2. Perform lots of Cardio exercise to burn more calories than you consume.
  3. Don’t eat Carbohydrates after 5pm. Or follow this diet or that diet. In fact there are different reasons apart from calories as to why you grow fat cells, click here.
  4. Do lots of light weights, high repitition exercises so as not to bulk up… NOT TRUE, I dare you to try and get bulky (its virtually impossible for most. We all need different stimulus to continue producing results. Find out what will work for you here.
  5. Learn to be more disciplined – I don’t believe you need too much discipline if you get the balance of nutrients right for your body… see why here.

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The Guys List… Of what to do to get HOT
  1. Eat more Quality Protein and just eat more in general
  2. Lift heavy weights


495336200– NO MORE!

Obviously I’m making fun of us girls, but I’m on your side girls, I do understand it’s confusing. So remember keep it simple, get some guidance, it ain’t meant to be hard, you’ve got enough to worry about right?


Get in touch with Kate:



Putting yourself first.. It’s necessary for weight loss and NO it’s not selfish!

799571879Putting yourself first is necessary to survive, not to mention get healthy, lose weight, stay sane and happy. It’s not selfish at all, even though it feels incredibly selfish.

There are always other distractions and things that happen which all add up to distracting you from looking after yourself.

Sometimes your failing health is a reminder that things are out of balance.

Why do we feel selfish when we say no to someone or something because we need that time for ourselves? Too often I hear people using the excuse that they don’t have time for the gym, in other words, for themselves. Yet everyone has been given the same 24hrs and we all make choices about what to do with our 24hrs.

319569427This is not just about making time to exercise. Losing weight has so much more to do with your whole self than it does with how much exercise you do. It has everything to do with how healthy you are mentally and spiritually not just physically. How balanced your stress hormones are, how happy and vital you are and how much you are able to contribute to others.. Remember though if you are depleted of energy how are you going to continue to look after everyone else? Who is going to look after you in the end?

Let me ask you this, what will you do today for yourself, so that you have the energy for others?

In need of some ideas?

417145498Exercise, read, have a cup of tea, breathe, take up a new class/skill/hobby, phone a friend, see your friends, laugh by yourself, think, cook, goal setting, plan a holiday.

I think sometimes we forget the simple equation of energy out must be equal to energy in and in our quest to get more done faster, we seem to be depleting the one essential source in the equation, ourselves.

So make sure you take a minimum 5 minutes each day for yourself, even if just for an uninterrupted cup of tea…



Get in touch with Kate:



Healthy inspiration – motivational quotes

Below are 10 inspirational quotes to spur you into taking control of your own health. We all need reminders like this every now and then.

  1. To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha (c. 563 BC to 483 BC) – a spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism
  2. Life is not merely being alive, but being well.  Marcus Valerius Martialis (known in English as Martial) (circa 40 AD – 103 AD) – a Latin poet from Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula) best known for his twelve books of Epigrams
  3. Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. Edward Smith-Stanley (1752-1834) – English statesman, three times Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  4. A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.  Paul Dudley White (1886 – 1973) – an American physician and cardiologist
  5. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. Michael Jordan
  6. Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering.  Francois Rabelais (c. 1494 – 1553) – a major French Renaissance writer, doctor and Renaissance humanist
  7. A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison. Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) – an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist and author
  8. To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can’t just accept the ones you like. Mike Gafka
  9. People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. Norman Vincent Peale
  10. Train insane or stay the same. Eat clean… talk dirty.


Get in touch with Kate:


Heard of these? Unusual Metabolism Boosting Tips

The following are not in any order.. Except for the importance I’d like to place on number 1 – ‘be nicer to yourself’. This is very personal to me as it was what kick started my weight loss after having Stella (after almost 4 years of putting myself down). You may have had a different experience, please feel free to share it in the comments section..

5680829581. Be Nicer to yourself

I’m not suggesting you look in the mirror every day and praise the fat on your butt and say how magnificent you look, as if you are going to believe that right!? What I am suggesting is that you interrupt these thoughts, or actions if you are grabbing fatty bits on your body, of self criticism and hatred by purely distracting yourself and starting to do something else. Try to be aware of when the little voice starts inside your head… and no you are not crazy, we all do it, just say thanks for sharing and move onto the next thing you were doing. Becoming aware is a great way to interrupt the pattern and break the habit. Remember you will only get more of what you think or talk about, whether you think about it in a positive light or not. Click here to read more about self sabotage. Click here – Want more from life? – Read about the power behind self love.

9081507612. Rotate Your food

Try not to eat the same thing all the time. Simply rotating the top 10 foods you eat by swapping them for completely different things is going to stimulate your metabolism just like changing your exercise routine. Write a list of the top ten foods you eat and change them completely. Especially the protein, try it and watch your digestion improve and your waistline shrink.

3. Change your exercise routine…

I know I harp on about this but really is what you are doing working for you? Do you really want to have to do more areobics classes or up your gym sessions from 4 to 6 or 7 times/week? Wouldn’t you like to be able to do less and achieve more? Then possibly its time for a change? Click here for more info (Warning – you may have to change your thinking..)

4. Common sense… Keep it simple

Drink Clean (filtered) water and breathe properly using your diaphragm (as if you are filling up your stomach with air when you inhale). As simple as it seems, not many of the other fabulous weight loss tricks will help if you don’t master the basics. After all what are some of the most important substances for all human beings to be able stay alive??

4901844385. Get enough sleep and time out

This is critical to balancing your hormones. The ones that help you to repair from exercise, digest your food, repair your nervous system, the list goes on. Going to bed early is definitely something most people, including myself find hard to do, but hey sometimes the housework can wait 😉

6. Have Fun!

Don’t forget to smell the roses as they say. Remember you’re here for a good time, not a long time 😉 Start to plan to have fun during your week. If not now… when? Some ideas could be to attend regular comedy shows, watch funny movies or you tube, do a dance class, learn a new skill like cooking or art. Why is it we are one of the most technologically advanced cultures, yet we have the most loneliness and depression? Make the effort to connect with others. Always make time to catch up with your friends.

Have a healthy, fun, fabulous week!

Please leave any tips you’d like to share on what boosts your metabolism in the comments below..


Get in touch with Kate:


Why do we torture ourselves with the scales??

602815230I keep asking clients, why are you weighing yourself in the first place? Think about it… honestly… Is it because you are going to let that little number on the scales determine whether or not you have a good day? Is the way you feel about yourself today honestly going to be determined by the number you see on the scales?  How exactly are you going to be positively motivated by feeling bad about yourself for the next day/week/whatever? In my experience I think I’ve met perhaps 10-20 people over the past 14 years who have been able to weigh themselves regularly (weekly, and no more aften than that) who are actually able to stay well balanced in their perspective about what that number on the sclaes says. For the rest of us (myself included) it seems to ruin our day and negatively reinforce how what we are doing is not working. When in fact this is not true, what you are doing is working. You are growing leaner, losing fat and growing stronger and it is not reflected on the scales! IT IS reflected in your measurements and your clothes!

Reasons NOT to weigh yourself:
  1. Muscles weighs more than fat when compared by volume – see pic below715043414
  2. At certain times of the month you are heavier (yes fluid weighs a lot) – you know what I mean girls, it happens, then the following week you weigh less, predictably every month so why make a big deal out of it, just like there will be a sunset today you will be less bloated and lighter next week. Get over it and focus on something else.
  3. Break the habit of getting on the scales – reduce the frequency that you weigh yourself. Eg. instead of doing it daily, do it every 2-3 days, then eventually every week. Then eventually every month. Try to do it at the same time of the day if you insist on doing it.

Eventually the goal should be to not own a set of scales, that’s right throw them out! You are worth so much more than the little number staring back at you and you have bigger things to worry about. Get on with getting lean by lifting your weights, regardless of what the scales say.

Other ways to measure if you are getting results:

And no your own opinion is not objective enough. 95% Of the time I can guarantee when I re-measure a client, they pre-warn me with the words ‘Oh don’t bother measuring me, I haven’t changed’ and they are wrong 95% of the time. They usually do change, for the better. My point here is your opinion about whether or not you are thinner is completely distorted, so get measured by someone other than yourself. I do.

Want to be obsessed with your body fat composition?

One incredibly accurate way to get your body fat measured is a dexa body scan, watch video.


Get in touch with Kate: