Category Archives: Mindset

My Number 3 of 10 Mindset tips for Fat loss – Change your breakfast for results – NO discipline needed

If you simply change your breakfast you will change your outlook, speed up fat loss simply by controlling your blood sugar. This has an amazing impact on your waistline and also your discipline to lead a healthier lifestyle.


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My Number 2 of 10 Mindset tips for Fat loss – Be prepared to lose your excuses, we all have them

As you know part of losing weight is a mind game with yourself. Video Post 2 of 10, everyone has excuses, learn to identify the fact that this is exactly what they are and you are going to have to change.

If you’d like to see if I can help you overcome your ‘excuses’, click to leave your details here and I’ll be in touch with you soon.

My Number 1 of 10 Mindset tips for Fatloss – How to lose your ‘I’m fat’ story

As you know part of losing weight is a mind game with yourself. Over the next series of 10 video blog posts I’m going to share with you my top tips for becoming leaner, which I implement with my clients on a regular basis.

If you’d like to see if I can help you overcome your ‘I’M FAT’ story, click to leave your details here and I’ll be in touch