What you see think and hear influences you and any results in life you desire. If fat loss is what you desire, stop thinking about what you don’t want and start thinking about what you do want.. AND you dictate what you look and listen to. Click here to contact me if you’d like my help in reaching your health/fat loss goals.
Category Archives: Mindset
Mindset and fat loss tip 9 of 10 – Foolproof your new habits
How to avoid overwhelm when implementing new habits. Working through what’s ‘do-able’ for you.
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Mindset and fat loss tip 8 of 10 – Eat more protein to lose body fat – GIRLS pay attention
Never omit your vegetable to include more protein. Try to make sure your protein (meat and eggs) come from organic sources, otherwise you are ingesting everything the animal has been eating, ie, grains, antibiotics etc. If you
NEED HELP? Click here for me to contact you.
Mindset and fat loss tip 7 of 10 – Do Not go Hungry, OUTSMART your FAT CELLS instead
Beware of reducing your calories for too long a time period, instead repair your hormonal status and outsmart your fat cells instead. Otherwise you may be damaging your metabolism and fat burning potential.
If you think you may have metabolic damage and would like help with repairing your metabolism click here to contact me to see if I can help you.
Mindset and fat loss tip 6 of 10 – measure your results to stay motivated
Making sure you stay accountable to someone, even a friend ensures success. Along with measuring your results, however you choose to do this.
For more ideas on how you can be accountable, or for me to contact you personally, click here to email me.