Category Archives: Mindset

Do your friends think you are going crazy for ‘getting healthy’?

dont quitI’d love to get results but my friends think I’m weird or crazy for… (Fill in the blank).

So in your attempt to get healthy you may sometimes feel like you may lose your friends?

Every week clients say to me that they feel like as they implement their new health habits they are going to have to ‘Not see their friends’, ‘Never go out again’, ‘Not start the new healthy routine until after the x y z weekend or event has finished’.

I know how you feel trust me, it’s normal to feel this way what starting something you haven’t done before and someone is asking you to do something ‘way out there’ as far as you are concerned.

Not only do you feel isolated in that you can’t hang out with your friends at social occasions because everything involves food, but that you can’t drink? What? Is your trainer crazy? What do they think this is? that you have no life? How are you suppose to be able to go to boozy lunches with friends, a beer with the fellas, have a latte with a weekend breakfast, socialise and not be the odd one out because you are ordering something separate or different on the menu at your friends dinner, or heaven forbid your trainer expects you to ‘take your own food’ to an event??

Who are these people, your trainers, do they not have a life? Do they not know what it’s like to have to socialise? Have friends? To go out to dinner, the party, a wedding, a bar mitzvah? whatever.. you get my point.

Well let me share this with you my dear client 😉 Actually we do know how it feels as we are part of society too remember, it’s just that we have discovered something, a little thing called results and how to get them, and you came to us, remember, to ask how to get them.

And no we are not asking you to join some weird club where you are not allowed to hang out with your friends, go to any more social events, or that you have to stay home and not go out ever again. We are not telling you that for the rest of your life you have to do anything at all. What we are telling you is a few ‘big bang for your buck’ lifestyle changes that once made, will give you enormous results, usually within a couple of weeks if you can do what we ask. We are purely here to help you shortcut the time it take you to get results and lessen your frustrations when it comes to exercise and nutrition and how to get the body you want.

No matter the diet, or exercise regime you go on, things only work when you do. Yep that’s the magic secret sorry, you are going to have to put your head down bum up and follow something strictly (no I don’t believe in making clients go hungry, but you do have to follow the rules, so to speak, especially if it’s only the last 5kg, or a half to a dress size that you have to lose).
If you want to get results fast or at minimum implement 1-2 of the habits that your trainer asks you to do per week. (I find the later gets the best long term results for clients)..

My suggestions when it comes to socialising/friends and influences:

I suggest you don’t use google, use the references your trainer gives you or ask if you need more info. And I really suggest you don’t ask your friends opinions (unless they have the body and health or lifestyle you want?) … So yep this might mean you can’t tell your opinionated friends about the health advice you are following and you probably don’t want to be enlightening them with your new found knowledge either, unless of course they have told you that they definitely want to hear about it.

Yep, you may have to stop telling some of your friends every little detail about what you are doing, unless you want them to tell you how crazy or stupid you are for doing ‘x y z’.

inner strength

I personally have some super healthy friends that I discuss some things with and some others who I discuss other things with and I love all of them but I try not to force my opinions onto others ears about health unless they really want to know, something I’ve learnt over the years is they don’t usually want to know.

So my suggestion to you would be sometimes you are going to have to ‘suck it up’ if you want results. Things you can do to get results now:

  • Eat before you go to your event.
  • Take your food with you.
  • Keep your healthy lifestyle changes to yourself unless someone asks.
  • Make more friends that eat carrots 😉
  • And take me with a grain of salt. Everything in moderation.

Cheers!  I’m off to get a Cocktail because life is about balance and I’m out of the office at the moment 😉

My Personal Journey of Weight Loss Post Baby

This series of videos has been a long time coming. I wanted to share with you the tough times I had over a period of 4 years to get my body back. From mindset challenges I had to overcome to trying and failing at many different theories on exercise and nutrition, getting back up and then trying again. I discuss everything including the bad (personal) stuff.. what worked, what didn’t and why. I hope you or someone you may know can get something out of these videos. Please feel free to share them if you think someone else may benefit.

It’s a challenge I certainly wasn’t ready for (the one of becoming a mother), so if this helps someone know not to give up on their quest for health and to learn to love themselves, then the aim of the videos has been reached. Let me know what you think in the comments below;

Video 1: Kate’s Weight Loss Journey Post Baby


Video 2: Kate’s Weight Loss Journey Post Baby – Changing from cardio to weights


Video 3: Kate’s Weight Loss Journey Post Baby – Changing from cardio to weights Part 2


Video 4 – Kate’s Weight Loss Journey Post Baby – Protein powder and meal replacements


Video 5 – Kate’s Fat Loss Journey Post Baby – Taking responsibility for where you are or you won’t change


Video 6 – Kate’s Fat Loss Journey Post Baby – Be careful what you tell yourself


Video 7 – Kate’s Fat Loss Journey Post Baby – Be careful what you tell yourself – Part 2


Video 8 – Kate’s Fat Loss Journey Post Baby – A break up, hiring a coach, finding what works


Video 9 – Kate’s Fat Loss Journey Post Baby – Why weren’t my exercise methods working!!??

What finally did work, and how I coach my clients..

Please let me know in the comments below what you get from the videos.

I so hope that they help you or someone else on their post baby weight loss journey to know not to give up! 🙂

Do you lack discipline and need more willpower?

Whatever It Takes!Do you want to know how to get more Will power? Here are some basic easy to follow steps to increasing your will power fast. To help you stick to your weight loss guidelines.

First know that motivation and will power wanes for all of us. Myself included. Below is something I use with myself and clients when it comes to ‘how to stick’ to your diet or exercise program.

Ideally I want you to create a habit that is an ongoing part of your lifestyle, just like you brush your teeth, you also eat healthily and you exercise regularly, not because you are being ‘good’. More on that soon, but for now….

How to get more Will power:

Renew your willpower by meditating or deep breathing daily. Don’t expect too much and know that you will drain will power from somewhere else if you are being disciplined or having to make many hard and fast decisions, which means you may lack in discipline in other areas.
So the less routine daily decisions you have to make the better. (What I mean is put food and ideally exercise on auto pilot and be organised with it and do not leave it up to decisions to be made at the last minute about whether you feel like training or what you feel like eating.)
How to do the breathing exercise:

Sit up ideally so you stay awake, breathe slowly in through your nose and aim to almost fill up your stomach with air. You should notice your stomach raise as you inhale and fall back in as you exhale.

Know that being over tired doesn’t help, however this can be overcome partly by applying the breathing. And personally I’ve found it does work. Give it a try and let me know how you go.

if you’d like more help with your health and will power don’t hesitate to leave me your details and I’ll personally give you a call to see what you could do to get results now.

Kate Martin Interviews Amanda – Queen of Lean

If you are confused and feeling unmotivated you aren’t the only one. Clients are often asking me ‘what’s the fastest way to get results?’.

In this interview with fellow personal trainer Amanda Rakusic, also known as ‘The Queen of Lean’, we discuss the common pitfalls of getting lean and ways to get around them. We discuss how to change habits, implement exercise routines, the fastest nutrition changes and most importantly mindset. Plus she shares her top ways to stay motivated when making changes with your health.

Click here to listen:

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If you would like a free call to find out whats holding you back with your health goals click here and start getting lean now.

Stay Healthy this Winter – My top 3 FEEL AMAZING tips (no exercise included)

stay healthy and lose weight without exerciseClearly if you are reading this you are already aware that exercise is amazing for your body, so I thought I’d mention a few other tips to help boost immunity, create health (and therefore get you lean), this winter which you may not have already heard of.

Tip 1, Immunity testing:

Get some vitamin d, even in the supplement form. Us BioSignature practitioners (about BioSignature) recommend high dosing of this twice per week, rather than small amounts spread over 7 days. Is does much more than just boost immunity, it aids weight loss and boosts recovery amongst many things. Read more about Vitamin D here:

Zinc levels within the body are also closely linked to immunity, more on immunity in the recipe link below, or on the website referenced above. If requesting a blood test, for example in Australia, the standard blood test is not a great marker. Ask instead for ‘red blood cell’ if having the levels of Zinc tested within the body. If you are getting blood tests, most countries blood test ‘norm levels’ are the average of the population. So do you really want to be compared to ‘the norm’ ? – Just saying 😉

Tip 2, Mindset:

Make sure you socialise even if you don’t feel like it. Being by yourself is fine for some of the time, especially if this is how you recharge. However spending every day and night by yourself and not talking to others has been shown to only lead to more feelings of isolation.

In fact the cultures that have been studied in the book ‘The Blue Zones’ and shown to live the longest and healthiest (disease free) lives have been found to have socialising as the one common trait which seems to be a major difference when we analyse the way we live in the westernised world.

Tip 3, Nutrition:

A tip to boost immunity with cooking is to use the slow cooker and make your own organic bone broth. This draws out the minerals from the bones and completely nourishes your body. Simply keep the juices once you’ve finished cooking a whole leg or meat or any type of meat with the bone included.
Freeze these juices in small containers and add to all your cooking for extra flavour and nutrients, especially during winter.

For more details on why slow cooked broth is amazing for your health and a chicken stock recipe, click the link below and if you scroll further down on that page you will see the recipe.

A great book, which I use as a reference all the time and for more recipe ideas, is ‘Nourishing Traditions’ by Sally Fallon:

If you are ready to unlock the potential cause of your weight gain or health related issues and finally feel amazing, click here to contact me.

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