Category Archives: Abs

How To Get Abs – Seminar Notes and the Audio

In this material I cover and uncover what it takes for you to get the abs you want, through other means other than counting calories. Sure calories count, but they aren’t the ONLY thing that aids or stops fat loss.

Click here to download the pdf handout >> Abs seminar July 2016 KMM

I’ve also included the link to the audio recording of the seminar.
It’s best if you start that at 4min 15sec. You will need a quiet room to listen to it, or a set of headphones.

Let me know if you have any questions..

Pelvic Floor need a hand? Plus how to flatten your abs

You may or may not need this info,

However I guess it can’t go astray… we could all probably do with a little more ‘co-ordination’
down there right?

I know I got the shock of my life after having a baby and not having it in ‘mint’ condition, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to have given birth to multiple children through there…

What I do know though, is that the pelvic floor, like any muscle, can be restored.

Yes through the use of things such as an ‘epinode’ << google that one. AND through exercise and massage

FIRST though… you get to simply learn to integrate it within your breathing cycle. (It’s how it then naturally becomes co-ordinated again as it is on the same nerve loop as all your belly muscles.)

Anyway here’s me giving you an example of what it looks like when you breathe in and out fully (Pic’s attached), into your stomach and then I’ve also attached a video sequence outlining lots of abdominal exercises, taking you from beginner to advanced for real internal ‘core stability’

That video is here;