Feature Exercise – Get powerful glutes (and a butt lift)

The top video is the easy version. Once you can perform 12-15 reps continuously and at this slow pace on each leg, make it harder by adding dumbells or a barbell. Then go to Level 2 below and continue to progress the weights. Enjoy your sore glutes.


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Feature Exercise – Tighten that Tummy

Good for – Flattening the abdominals. Spinal support and stability. All ability levels. Aim – to perform 10-20 repetitions, 3-4 times/week.

From the all fours position. Take a deep breath in allowing your stomach to relax and drop. As you exhale pull your stomach in, focusing on drawing in the belly button. Maintain a neutral (slightly naturally curved) spine as you do this. Take 3-4 seconds to inhale and 3-4 seconds to exhale then hold your stomach in after exhaling for up to 10 seconds. Repeat 10-20 times. Diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to allow up to 40% more oxygen to enter the body than breathing into the chest cavity alone. You can practice this in any position. Not only will you strengthen your abdominal cavity, you’ll feel more alert, improve your digestion and take tension away form your neck muscles. 318577293

Get in touch with Kate:


World Health Revolution – join the facebook group

This facebook group is not about making money or selling a product to you or anyone.

This group is about bringing about change in the state of our health as individuals and across the globe. I propose that one way change can be brought about is by every health practitioner across the globe uniting to cause World Health.

Why is it that our human nature leaves us waiting until the last minute (and usually a catastrophic minute) before we implement change, both on a personal and humanitarian level??

The Health Epidemic Problem –

Sure practitioners might not agree that one medicine or healing methodology suits or even cures everyone… but really how many more people do we have to watch DIE for us to understand that arguing about who is right is not working!!!

What is it going to take for us to change the way we are approaching the health epidemic that we stand before?

What needs to happen for us to stop putting doctors in jail who claim they can cure cancer (for example) and who can successfully do this on occasion. Cancer is just one example.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in the way we approach this if we are going to find a solution. To quote Albert Einstein – ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’

I too have been making other forms of medicine, nutrition and methods of obtaining optimal health, ‘wrong’ and myself and my opinions and beliefs ‘right’. I’ve come to realise this does not work on a personal level nor will it work on the level of humanity.

Please join with me in the understanding that this is how the problem has been caused and it’s not the way we will find the solution.

The Solution –

I don’t have a solution only a belief things can be different… Surely if we unite in our concern for other human beings we can make this shift and think differently, and even work together! Wow. Now that would be amazing.

I Propose –

I don’t exactly know how this is going to work however one suggestion may be for practitioners to trustingly refer clients on to another practitioner and/or methodology of healing if they know they cannot solve the individual’s problem/illness. This will of course be instead of chasing the $$$ but really how many people have to DIE!!????!?!?!?!?

Share your thoughts –

One suggestion I have is to spread the word and expand this group.

What are your thoughts on the topic? Any suggestions about how we can change the way we are doing things so we no longer have to watch our loved ones die?


Get in touch with Kate: