2 Top Abdominal Exercises – Using the ball

1. Jackknife

Roll over ball until your shins are on ball. Hands are under shoulders, head in front of hands. Legs straight. Belly button pulled in.

Keeping a neutral curve in spine, bend legs and bring ball in. Keep hips low. Return to start position and repeat moving slowly. Stop Immediately if you feel pain in your lower back.



2. Forward Ball Roll

Start with a right angle at the hips and the sholders/arm.

Keeping a neutral curve in the spine and stomach in, slowly move the ball forward as far as possible with good technique. Hold this position for 3-30 seconds and then move back to start position and repeat. Do not go far enough to feel it in your lower back. Stop immediately if you feel pain.

For an extra challenge perform the same thing on your toes.



Once you can perform each of the above exercises for a minute each then its time to make the exercise harder to keep getting results.


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10 minute express workout – equipment free

Perform the following exercises, in the order shown, anywhere you want in as little as 10 minutes. Do as many rounds as possible without rest. Always stop if you have any pain in any joints (but not if you just have tired muscles). For an extra challenge do 15 minutes without stopping.

1. Push-up
  • Make sure your head is in front of your hands
  • Always keep a neutral spine and do not let your lower back sag towards the floor
  • Take 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor and 1 second to raise

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2. Hip Extension
  • Make sure your feet are near your butt and the same distance apart as your hips
  • Keep your knees apart the same distance as your feet
  • Take 1 second to raise and 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor


3. Squat
  • Go as low as you can go with your heels firmly on the floor
  • Keep your knees travelling the same direction your toes are pointing
  • Always keep a neutral spine and your chest up
  • Take 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor and 1 second to raise



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More important than exercise – Reduce stress to reduce your waistline

Sound too good to be true? Well read on…

Stress can come in many forms:

  1. Physical stress – e.g. Exercise
  2. Chemical stress – e.g. Medication
  3. Electromagnetic stress – e.g. Computers/mobile phones
  4. Psychic or Mental stress – i.e. How you interpret stress
  5. Nutritional stress – e.g. Poor diet
  6. Thermal stress – e.g. Extreme heat/cold

The above can be broken into two types – internal stressors and external stressors.

The more stress your body is under from either internal or external stressors, the more stress hormones it will produce. When your body is over-burdened from producing and coping with stress hormones, it is not able to produce adequate levels or repair hormones to keep your body healthy and slim.

There is now a proven link between producing excess stress hormones (Cortisol) and gaining abdominal fat.

Tips to reduce stress – and therefore reduce your body fat:
  • Remember to breathe properly. When you think of it try to remember to take diaphragm breathes. You will get more oxygen in to feed every cell in your body. This will also help to decrease your cortisol levels.
  • Stay hydrated – drinking less than the recommended daily amount of fluid allows your body to become dehydrated. This will add to your body’s physical stress, in turn raising your internal stress levels.
  • Reduce the amount of artificial stimulants you consume, especially after 2pm. Coffee is very high in antioxidants but consuming it too close to bedtime is detrimental to your health particularly if you are trying to lower your stress levels. One coffee = minus 3 glasses of water.

If you are dehydrated you will feel the need for more stimulants, try having some water first, it may help you to feel better. These stimulants will otherwise raise your cortisol ‘stress’ hormone.

Remember – Internal stressors only serve to magnify external stressors!


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How to get the best from your exercise routine

Know the foundation movements –

Lunge, Squat, Push, Pull, Gait, Twist, Bend

You do these things daily just by walking, lifting and getting in the car for example. So get stronger at them in the gym while you’re working out and watch your body transform and move better. Not only will you save time when exercising but as a result your body will perform better outside the gym.

To change your body you must change your routine

Generally speaking the body adapts very quickly to exercises. This is why the exercise stimulus needs to be changed regularly.

This can be done in several ways:

  • By lifting a heavier weight and performing fewer repetitions with a greater time to rest between sets of each exercise.
  • By holding the exercise under tension for a longer period of time eg. Changing the speed of the down movement in a squat to 4-5 seconds and explode up.
  • By increasing the number of repetitions performed. Start from as little as 5-6 repetitions for each exercise and build up to around 15 depending upon what your goals are.
  • Start with only 2 sets for each exercise when it is new and gradually build up to 5 sets.
  • Vary the rest time between sets from 10 seconds to 4 minutes depending upon your goals. Generally follow the rule, the heavier the weight the longer the rest.
Training Tips to remember:
  • Never train with less than perfect technique. When working your stabiliser/core muscles (stop when you could do one more rep especially if you are recovering from an injury).
  • Alternate between resistance training (weight bearing activity eg. weights) and aerobic/cardio (cardiovascular eg. walking/running/aerobics) activities. Perform them on different days if you can. In fact the more weight training the better!
  • Quality not quantity – your core stabilising muscles will work properly for approx 40 min. Any more than 1 hour in the gym is usually wasting time. Remember to train not drain your body.
  • Remember to change the routine a minimum of every 4-6 weeks.


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Running Tips plus a Cardio workout

I’m often talking to clients about reducing the amount of cardio they do so you might think that I don’t like cardio… however, I just like my clients to do something different. (Especially females who come to me after doing lots of cardio classes).

*Insert Boast here* I do want to boast though, that some of my clients have been elite long distance athletes. One of the most amazing was a 24 hr marathon runner, who came to see me originally for a sore hip. After changing his routine to less cardio work (from 6 to 2-3 sessions/week) and more strength work (plus he switched his eating to almost paleo) he, at 55 yrs old, ran the best 24 hr race of his life. Pain free.

My point is sometimes less is more, get technique correct, function and move without pain and do what you enjoy which hopefully isn’t always sitting on the couch, lol (personally my body doesn’t love to run more than 15 km’s, if I’m to do cardio, you are more likely to see me in the cycle room).


1. Build a solid foundation

During running a lot of time is spent bouncing from one leg to the other. It makes sense then to get very good at balancing and propelling yourself forwards from one leg as these skills are a fundamental part of running. Flexibility, stability and strength are required from your feet to your head and neck.

2. Incorporate Strength Training

Running breaks down muscle tissue, resulting in weight loss but also a reduction in your metabolism and a loss in strength, therefore the potential for injury is greater. For this reason special attention should be paid to resistance/weight training as part of your weekly routine. Weight training results in muscle and tendon regrowth making your joints and muscles stronger and when performed correctly can also increase your joint stability. A 30-40min session 2-3 times a week will help combat some of the negative effects running has on your body.

> Click here < for the beginner to intermediate full body program <

Click here < for an advanced full body weight training program

3. The Three B’s

The Big Toe, the Belly and the Butt. In running there needs to be a connection between ‘the three B’s’ or your running efficiency will be seriously compromised. Make sure all three are not just strong but are functionally strong (that they are communicating well with each other). If only one of the three are not working well then running efficiency will be compromised, with the potential to cause injury.

4. Move your Shoulders

We must not make the mistake of thinking that running involves only our legs. In running our upper body also helps to move us forward, through the use of our shoulder girdle. As our arms swing the shoulder girdle moves forwards and then backwards with specific timing in relation to our legs to help produce force. This is a major factor in improving efficiency of both your gait (stepping stride) and running technique.

5. Stretching and Trigger Point Release (massage)

The goal with stretching and trigger point release is to keep the length tension relationship between the muscles optimal which in turn will enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Stretching and trigger point release are just as important as exercise itself. A flexibility program should be included as part of your training program. Make sure you are only stretching tight muscles pre-exercise and do all the major muscles after your workout (some people are very flexible while others are not). A posture assessment with a qualified practitioner/trainer will help you to understand what you specifically need to work on.

Using a ‘foam roller’ is a fantastic start to start releasing the tight tissue around your joints, especially those quads (thighs) and knees.

6. Hip Extension

Hip extension is when the knee travels behind the line of your hip. During your running stride this will help your body to utilize the spring action of the hip and abdominal muscles.

7. Train for function

The body has natural slings (groups of muscles which work together to perform movements). For example during the running stride when the back foot is coming through to strike the ground again it should be the uncoiling of the shoulders and oblique muscles which allows this to happen effortlessly.

The human body recognises movements, not muscles. For example, when weight training an example for a thigh (or quadriceps) strengthening exercise on a machine may be a seated leg extension, unfortunately this exercise has no carryover to improving ones gait or functional strength other than to improve what you can lift on the leg extension machine (as we do not sit down to walk or run). An example of a functional leg exercise would be a squat or a lunge, as these movements can be replicated in real life (outside of the gym). Note: they move many joints of the body at once, which integrates your nervous system and require the core to be activated because they are done from the standing position, thus strengthening an entire system of muscles at once.

Tip: want to use your core more? Stand up to do your weights. Sitting down allows your core to rest, so only do this when you are tired and need to focus on specific muscles.

8. Be Quiet

Too often feet can be heard landing while running. Try to notice if this is you next time you are on the treadmill or outside. If you can hear yourself land then each thud you make creates a lot of stress for your body to absorb in the form of shock and vibration. In fact up to 7 times your body weight travels through the joints, skeletal system, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue and you are also losing the body’s natural ability to generate force. If you run quietly the body will use the force generated though the muscles in a similar way to a system of rubber bands, lengthening and shortening. Next time you run try to impact with as little noise as possible. This will seem hard at first but it will get easier and your joints will thank you for it.


For a fantastic interval training workout to shock your body try Poliquin’s interval training method below.

If a preparatory phase is needed before embarking on the below Interval program in table 2, follow the workouts in table 1, otherwise if you have been exercising consistently for more than 2 months, start from table 2 workout 1:

Table 1:

Workout(s) Sets High Intensity Rest Period – Low Intensity
1 4 40 Sec. 4:00
2 4 40 Sec. 3:45
3 4 40 Sec. 3:30
4 5 40 Sec. 3:15
5 5 40 Sec. 3:00
6 5 40 Sec. 2:45
7 6 40 Sec. 2:30
8 6 40 Sec. 2:15

Perform 2 (max 3) sessions/week on non-consecutive days

Table 2:

Workout(s) Sets High Intensity Rest Period – Low Intensity
1 & 2 6 40 Sec. 2:00
3 & 4 7 40 Sec. 2:00
5 & 6 8 40 Sec. 2:00
7 & 8 9 40 Sec. 2:00
9 & 10 10 40 Sec. 2:00
11 & 12 11 40 Sec. 2:00
13 & 14 12 40 Sec. 2:00
15 & 16 12 45 Sec. 1:45
17 & 18 12 45 Sec. 1:30

Perform 2 sessions/week (3 max) on non-consecutive days.

Before embarking on Workout (table) 1, take a practice workout or two to establish the fastest possible speed for the “High Intensity” sets. This is very important to elicit the proper hormonal response.

Click the image below for the ‘downloadable’ PDF version






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