Getting goals Part 1: Do you Self Sabotage? Self Criticism is NOT helpful to attaining weight loss goals

So we’ve all though about setting some kind of health goals right? The ever lingering target of kilos to lose, or to be a certain dress size by summer or for that special event. That’s great, has it worked for you? If not your not alone. Most of the time I believe clients (particularly females living in this western culture) self sabotage themselves before they even have a chance of attaining their health goal.

Why do I think this? Simply because I am one of those who’s target for weight loss (post baby) had seemed so unattainable that I would make sure I criticised myself consistently on a daily basis. In fact from the moment I woke up I would tell myself I was fat, undeserving of being lean and how unattractive I was. Hmm… Not a very productive or positive way to start the day is it?

Does this sound familiar? Every day I talk to clients about how their thoughts are holding them back. Believe me the most sure-fire way to make sure you DO NOT reach your weight loss goals is to criticise yourself as much as you can for being the way you are.

Sure you need to take stock and recognise there is a problem, but put things in place to deal with it and do them on a regular basis. May I advise you that the first step in attaining your health goals is simply to become aware of this little voice and its comments. Try saying to your inner voice; ‘thanks for sharing’, then drop the conversation and get on with what you were doing. Becoming aware is the first step for you to be able to turn these thoughts around.

This is where I started and I know it works for clients. Try it every morning, listen out, become aware then start appreciating what good things you do have. To quote Dr Demartini – ‘You get what you think about and what you thank about’.

By the way, the baby fat is mostly gone, I’m leaner than I’ve been in years and it all started with being aware of this voice.

Good luck – let me know how you go…


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Cut Carbs (reducing grain consumption for health) – quick read taken from ‘Marks Daily Apple’

Overweight people with faulty carbohydrate metabolisms are told (by doctors, by government officials, by dietitians) to eat more carbohydrates and less fat.

They do it (carb consumption as a percentage of total caloric intake has increased in line with the obesity epidemic, moreso than either fat or protein). They eat carbs and reduce fat intake.

Because their insulin-resistant bodies can’t handle carbs well, they produce lots of insulin to get over the hump. Only problem? Those carbs aren’t sequestered into insulin-sensitive muscle glycogen stores as energy, because the muscle is insulin-resistant. Meanwhile, the excessive insulin prevents the burning of fat, and any extra fat and carbs from the meal are instead sequestered into fat cells. People get fatter.

Since the food isn’t being used and is instead being stored away for later use, the body thinks it’s starving and gets hungrier as a result. People eat more carbs.

The cycle continues uninterrupted.

But no more. It stops here. I think it’s time we shift toward a new paradigm. It’s actually a rather old, classic paradigm that’s been forgotten – but it’s still as valid as ever.

It’s time for the Fat Paradigm. It’s time to start burning fat as fuel. It’s time to move away from sugar burning.

You see, fat is the perfect fuel for us. It’s efficient. It burns clean. And it’s the type of fuel our bodies like to burn. Otherwise, why else would we store it on our bodies for lean times?

That’s what people miss about body fat. It’s not just “there” because we messed up and our body has nowhere to put it. Body fat, or adipose tissue, is stored energy. Sure, the obese have way too much body fat, but the fact is that our bodies evolved the ability to put fat into fat cells because it is effective fuel.

The problem is that many of us are broken. Sedentary living, modern food toxins, too much stress, not enough sleep, and a distinct lack of play for play’s sake (more on this later, if you’re confused about why I’d rank “play” with all the other stuff) have fundamentally changed the way we process fuel. Many of us can’t even access the stored fat, instead running on sugar (and poorly at that). All that stored energy – body fat – is going to waste.

So, if you’re overweight or obese, chances are you’re broken. And – at least for the time being until you’re healed – excess carbohydrates are making the problem worse.

But you can be fixed. You don’t need doctors or medication or expensive treatments. You just need to start accessing your body fat and burning fat for fuel.

By converting to an animal fat-based metabolism, you are returning to the ancestral human fuel source. And the best way to switch to fat burning is to start eating more animals and whatever fat comes with them.

Animal fat, especially from ruminants like beef, lamb, and bison, comes with roughly equal proportions of saturated and monounsaturated fats, with a little bit of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fats. Interestingly, your own animal fat – the fat deposited on your body and the fat that your body is designed to burn for energy in lean times – comes with very similar ratios. It’s almost as if animal fat is good for us!

Which brings me to my main point of today’s article: eating animals simply makes everything easier.

With animals, you get healthy animal fat. You get protein, important for building muscles and keeping you full. You get all the micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the animal ate, in a form that your body can absorb. It’s the perfect package of nutrition for a fat burner.

Now, I don’t hate carbohydrate. They can be useful and even beneficial in certain cases. Eat carbs when you need fuel for endurance activities. Don’t eat carbs just because; eat them because you need the energy. Because you’re actually active and they won’t go to waste.


Fat is your friend.

Fat will fuel your everyday activities, your walking, your shopping, your working and reading. Fat can even provide the bulk of the energy required by your brain. Your brain still needs glucose, mind you, but becoming metabolically healthy will allow you to access both glucose and fat for energy.

Bottom line: if you’re overweight, you’re not utilizing the energy stored on your body. Switching over to the Fat Paradigm and a fat-based diet will unlock that stored body fat and allow you to use what you’ve already got (plus carbohydrates, when and if you eat them). But if you remain entrenched in the Carb Paradigm, your body never gets the message to start accessing body fat for energy.

If you need to lose weight, start by cutting back on carbs and eating more animals (and their fat). That’s all it takes to enter the Fat Paradigm and start burning fat, and it’s as easy (and delicious) as it sounds.

Next time, I’ll give more details on what and how much to eat, but for now, stick with eating animals


Get in touch with Kate:


The Deadlift – Could this be the best butt and back exercise ever?

Perform the deadlift as shown in the video below. MAKE SURE you only go as far down with the bar as you can go keeping a curve in your lower back. (The same natural curvature you have in your lower back when you are standing.)

Vary the reps depending upon the weight used and goals you are looking to achieve. Eg. Strength base 3 sets of 12-14 reps to start with and progress to 5 sets 6-8 reps after 6-8 weeks, make sure you have adequate rest between sets and a slow week of training every 3-4 weeks so you can repair, get stronger and get leaner in that time.

Feel free to leave any comments. Thanks


Get in touch with Kate:


Create mobility in just minutes per day – and create a powerful body

Ok so you’ve probably heard that Stretching and Yoga is good for you and I’m not disagreeing. But if your just not the yoga type, don’t have the time, or inclination then the use of the foam (physio) roller can help you to gain mobility and therefore greater flexibility which will benefit all of your training. In fact I dare say you cannot stretch muscle tissue and fascia which is stuck together, general wear and tear from living causes this, and this is where the foam roller becomes useful. (Its the next best thing to real live massage.) Sound good?

Hold each sore point for 20-30 seconds minimum, or until the pain subsides by approx half. Find 1-2 sore points per body part (with the exception of the ‘lay long’ where you are just relaxing) The more frequently you do it the less adhesions in the muscle are found so the less painful it becomes.

Foam Rollers can be purchased online and in most sports stores.


Lay Long on Roller – Not advised if you are over the age of 40 with severe kyphosis (upper back curvature).

Great for opening the chest and ribcage and for those with shoulder problems and or a slight head forward posture. Simply lay on roller for several minutes and breathe. Roll off to the side and get up from the all fours position, rather than performing a crunch to get up.


ITB (Iliotibial Band) or outer thigh – Great for those sufferring any kind of knee or hip pain


Glutes – Great for those suffering any knee, lower back or hip discomfort.


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Glute (butt) and Back muscles anyone?

For amazing fat burning results perform the following exercises with perfect technique and create great glutes, toned legs, arms, back and shoulders.
Try to aim for the suggested amount of repetitions possible with a heavy weight. If you reach the suggested maximum range eg. 12-14 = max then next time make it heavier!

The Static Lunge:

Holding heavy dumbells by your side or a barbell on your back, perform 12-14 repetitions on one leg before changing to the other. Take 4 seconds to go almost to the floor with the back knee, explode up. Repeat. Rest 60 seconds, the perform the pullups below rest 60-90 seconds then return to the lunges for another round. Repeat 3-4 rounds depending upon experience.



The pull up:

For this exercise you will need a bar in a squat rack or something similar to hang off. Take your chest to the bar in the count of 1 second (try NOT to use your legs), lowering yourself take 3 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times. The lower the bar the harder it will be. Rest 60-90 seconds return to the lunges and repeat as mentioned above.

Let me know how you go..




Get in touch with Kate: