Author Archives: kate

Smoothie or Juice?

Get the goodness into any way you can, I say….

I used to say, NO DON’T BLEND THINGS be careful as the blender heats the goodness and destroys the mitsi-goblets which hurts your dna and chromosomes, and the juicer does the same thing and destroys the nutrients unless you get a SLLLLOOOOW pressed $50,000 juicer, however – Now I say get either into you as it’s better than nothing right?

And if you wait around for the perfect solution you may not do anything hey? So lets go with juices and smoothies are great so use them, (provided you can digest what you are putting in them – which goes without saying).

green smoothie





Here are some smoothie ideas for those starting out;

Simply choose 4-5 of the following raw ingredients and blend together, hey there’s no rules, if you want to, throw the whole lot in! 🙂

Celery stalks

Baby spinach





½ Avocado

1 green apple

½ Banana

Tiny squeeze of lemon or lime

Water (depending on how much juice/mush or smoothie you would like)

Obviously the fruit portion makes it taste sweeter, but the less fruit you can get used to the better, in my book… but in some cases you just need to get it into your mouth 😉

Note: if you have a thyroid condition I recommend staying away from the kale, spinach and silverbeet when raw but everything else from this list is good to go.

Below are some more links to check out if you want more fruit involved, although if you are on one of my programs, that’s ‘probably’ reduced, but comment below if you are not sure about that one and I’ll do my best to tell you what I think might be a good fit for you. I love this chik! She also has lots of great vegetarian recipes and ‘know how’ when it comes to digesting lentils.

Let me know how you go with your smoothies!

If you need a helping hand with your nutrition, or a kick up the butt, either way I’m happy to help 🙂 drop me a line here


Has your thinking got you paralyzed?

Do you think too much before taking action?
Below are 5 steps to get over your paralysis by analysis.

I’m sure you have heard the expression.. Analysing things to make sure the steps you are going to take are actually the right ones and that you won’t fail when you do finally start. The problem is this behaviour tends to see you pausing for a VERY LONG TIME.. and actually not starting at all (or giving up too easily when you fail). Probably not something which is productive if you want to get results in a certain area of your life, agree?

Anyway I see it all the time in my industry, as people are sooooo confused because of all the information out there. When if they just started, just actually did something, lots of times anything, they’d have more power and flow to be able to make a change in their path if that’s what was needed.

Instead they go by one of the many quotes they’ve read that might have said something like “Fatloss won’t work if you don’t do ‘x, y, z’ – and in the right order”.

So by not starting they are intellectually procrastinating. And probably just falling for marketing of some kind..
In fact worrying about getting things perfect in any area of your life ain’t that productive so here’s my take on what you can do about it… but you have to implement today, ok? haha – scared or not.

make thigns happen





My tips are influenced by the fact that I’ve noticed a trend amongst the winners in the fat loss game. I’ll let you in on a few secrets of what I’ve found out and here are my top 5 tips to overcome your paralysis and get started towards results and being a more amazing version of yourself. (More about joining my group of online chicky babes who GET results in a minute)

1. You have injuries and you ‘can’t exercise’.


Train another body part then. Sore back, train your arms. Sore knees, train your upper body. Sore neck, train your lower body.

Although breaking it into sections will sometimes go against ‘what you know’, but you want results right? So try something different.

People who exercise regularly get  injuries, they aren’t just a lucky bunch of injury free people.

However they (and soon you) find something they can do regardless. Consistency is the key. Turn up and DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING. That brings me to point 2,

2. TURN UP – Worry about what you are going to do WHEN you get there, not after the alarm goes off for example.

3. Get accountable to someone. Maybe someone to a. learn from, or b. be scared of. Don’t let this person let you use your excuses, otherwise what’s the point? More of the same equals more of the same.

4. Learn how to fix the problem you have to overcome (Injury or internal dialogue of your own). Working on yourself is a constant art form of creating a more amazing you. Often it’s the internal dialogue and our patterns and habits need help to change but it all starts with being honest with yourself. And asking the right questions. Want help? It’s out there just ask for it.

5. Some day is NOW. Otherwise someday is never. the excuses you use now, will continue to stop them if you let them. Don’t be overwhelmed. Change happens gradually, but easily once you get onto a good thing. Change one thing at a time and do it because you love and respect yourself, not to punish your body.

Go create a more awesome version of you x

Let me know if you need a hand.

Registrations are now open for my post baby weight loss FULLY ONLINE 12 week Program. Click the link to register your details. I cover EVERYTHING and YOU GET RESULTS! 🙂 This program is my heart and soul, everything from nutrition to mindset, recipes and programs for gym and at home. Places are limited each round. The time is NOW 🙂 Click here to apply.

Chicky babes only please.

Running Guide for Camp Quality and Run Melbourne July 26th

Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor before undertaking any exercise program. This program does not account for, intend to treat or diagnose any individual injuries and/or illnesses.

Gearing up for the Run Melbourne 5km -21km on July 26th. Plus raising funds for the Camp Quality team.

See the links below so you can donate OR join our team if you are running and aren’t in one already.

For some of you, a race as long as 21km is nothing new and just another ‘walk in the park’, so to speak. For others of you the distance may feel overwhelming. Never fear, they say going from a 10km run to a half marathon is easy, it’s making the jump to the full marathon which is harder. The same goes from doing nothing to running 5 km and also from 5km to 10km.

Use the calendars below I’ve given you as a guide – you can see the patterns I’ve used.

Follow this guide for any distance you are doing, working backwards from the training day. So if you are going to do the 5 – 10 km run work backwards in 2 km increments, which means you don’t need as much training time to be able to reach your goal.
I’ve used the minimum amount of training throughout the week as I believe the body needs adequate recovery time. Most running programs you come across will have you running twice as much as this.

That’s fine for some, however in my experience coaching people, it’s best to do the minimum and allow your body time to repair.

This format will allow your body to do so in between the long runs.

It will repair and overcompensate leaving you MORE than ready and completely capable for the next long run. Try it and see.

I want to mention that I have trained an ultra marathon runner. One in particular who was recovering from an injury, performed his 24 hr run following this formula with ultra success.

(1st Place at 50 yrs old, with energy to keep going he said.)

Please note – the strength based training programs (for inside a gym or at home)

are coming in the next email.

CQ Logo yellow bg with tag line 1yc_RGBClick the link HERE to join Run Melbourne and then select the Camp Quality team for fundraising.

Use this link here to simply donate or join the team after registering for the run.



How to use the calendar:

The distances are simply a suggestion, you can see the pattern of increasing the distance run slowly.

So if you are starting training at least 8 weeks out from your chosen event, you have plenty of time.

Things to focus on during each ‘long slow’ run:
Step and breathe in time (more coming on breathing technique during the core handout)
Eg, for each 3-4 steps inhale and the next 3-4 steps exhale, find a rhythm you are comfortable with that you can maintain for the entire distance.

This is one of the best pieces of advice I had when I started running longer distances. Practice this when you perform your ‘long  low run’. working at an effort level you are comfortable with eg. 7-8/10.


The interval sessions:

The short runs (interval sessions) are focusing on getting your threshold and ability to work without oxygen to a higher point. Or we call this increasing your anaerobic threshold (best explained as your body’s ability to cope without oxygen).

You are probably familiar with the feeling already? The feeling of breathlessness after doing something fast. I explain it to clients that it’s anything where you cannot talk anymore while exercising.

It’s a point where it’s hard to hold that intensity for a long time.
It’s usually over effort level 8/10 (which is individual and varies day to day with everyone).

– Note; this is close to your 80% max heart rate, however, maximum heart rates can also vary so always go with how you feel. When you feel like you are 8/10 you are probably close to 80% of your maximum.

Generally a working interval goes for 30-40 seconds (so a sprint for example) and you are working at YOUR effort level 10/10 intensity. You then drop down the intensity for 1.30-2.30 minutes, working at an intensity of 4-5/10 (or back to walking).

Then you repeat this over and over again until you have done it 6-8 times and your workout is finished within 25-30 minutes.
Intervals are also excellent as they also allow your body to produce more growth hormone, something you want if you are aiming to become stronger and leaner. They also allow you to do cardio without making yourself too tired later in the day.

Always jog to warm up and jog or walk to cool down and stretch afterwards. (More info on intervals, running styles and injury prevention coming.)

For tips about post natal tiredness and not overdoing cardio see video 2 and 3 click here.
The two most basic nutrition tips I want you to try and implement are as follows;

Tip 1:

Switch all of your fluids over to water. Aiming to drink 2-3 Litres per day especially on training days. Your body works much more efficiently when well hydrated. Everything about your health will improve, including your digestion – which will make you lighter 😉 😉
Plain black tea including herbal is ok, so is black coffee (but coffee is best before 2pm during the day as it spikes cortisol levels and does not replace water).
For more info about caffeine, rest and cortisol hormone click here.

Not to mention a cappuccino or latte a day is enough to keep an extra 6kg each year on your body 😉

Tip 2:

The other food tip I want to add is eat more protein earlier in the day, even if you are vegetarian. You will feel fuller for longer and have better mental clarity throughout the morning as it will aid in stabilising your blood sugar levels. The results of this will sell it to you. For example eat some left over dinner (meat and vegetables) or have a boiled egg or omlette or smoothie (made with almond milk) instead of any kind of cereal or toast, try this for two weeks and the results will speak for themselves.

For more information about how much protein is in your food, have a look at this guide, click here.

That’s it for now.

In the next installment I will provide you with;

more nutrition tips, a detailed running interval program and tips on running technique so you can
become more efficient, stronger and faster, effortlessly.
Talk to you soon,

Kate Martin



WIN $500 CASH – 12 Week Challenge for Couples, Starts April 2015

Are just a few chocolates starting to creep in? Do you want to prevent the Easter spread in your Jeans?

Then join our 12 week challenge for couples (friends or partners) and win $500 CASH!

This challenge is run face to face with Kate and Teena in the semi private groups in Nunawading, Victoria.

girl fit jeans

So if you or a friend or partner need a kick up the butt OR just some extra guidance to FAST TRACK your results click the link to apply;

boy fit jeans

Here’s what’s included in the 12 weeks:

– Training sessions for all fitness levels,

– Knowledge and guidance on ALL aspects of your health from

hormones to nutrition and exercise programs to make sure you get results!

– It’s about being smart with how you do things, rather than doing more of the same

– Prize given for overall results measured. (Incl CM’s lost, overall changes and strength gained)

– It is common to lose up to 2 dress sizes in 12 weeks when you train with us

YOU will NOT regret it. Places are limited register your interest here;

Click here for testimonials

Need Fast Simple Healthy Lunchbox ideas? I do!

Plus some tips for sugar and wheat replacements in the lunchbox. (click here for more on my wheat free theories)

No seriously it can be yummy for kids and us without these things in our life at every meal, it just takes a little experimenting and perseverance – the results (your kids health) are definitely worth it.

Now, I just made some standard (but from scratch choc chip cookies and was packing my daughters lunch which inspired this post and not to mention often clients in need of lunch box ideas for kids).

choc chip cookies

My lunchbox packing skills are far from what I think are perfect or ideal, and of course once I get used  to what she likes, she of course changes her mind.. ah the joys. I can’t complain, having only one  child and a young one at that, I look forward to your comments and help below on your lunch box  suggestions if you have any!

So if it were perfect then there’d be no sugar and very little wheat and if there was either of those it  would be organic, (purely to keep the pesticides within her diet to a low level). However life is not  perfect (something I’m constantly learning to be O.K. with).

Anyway onto lunch box SIMPLE Tips;

– So to start simply put time aside 1 – 2 times per month do a bake up of some gluten free, sugar free cookies, slices or muffins.. click here to try my sugar free slice. Quartering oranges is also a fabulous lunchbox idea – these can be frozen ahead of time too.

– In fact almost everything (snacks) can be frozen and put in their lunchbox straight from the freezer to thaw out.

– When trying new recipes if your kids can taste the difference of dates or honey replacing sugar, then perhaps try using half the old ingredients and half the new.. Or slowly replacing the old with the new. (Same goes with replacing traditional wheat flour with rice, coconut and gluten free flour mixes..)

– I also find if she takes part in the cooking, she’s more likely to eat it.

Your child’s behaviour and overall health will benefit in leaps and bounds, so stick with it, I promise it will be so worth it.

Here’s another picture of my little girls lunchbox, she’s currently doing a ‘I don’t eat animals’ phase and so as a result I try to get chicken stock and fish oil into her as often as possible to keep her nutrient levels up. Here there is chopped organic veges, organic bought cookies, and a spelt ‘mountain bread’ wrap (available in supermarkets) with organic chocolate & agave spread on it (different from cane sugar, available from health food shops).

lunch box

Below is a recipe for Chocolate cookies, almost 100% sugar free and 100% grain and wheat


(why reducing wheat may be good for your overall health click here for more on my wheat free  theories)



Please share your tips with me in the comments below… I am all ears to new ideas from those of  you  out there with many more years lunch box packing experience than me.

Coaching clients on how to implement new healthy habits into their families lifestyles is part of how I coach clients. To me it’s all about filling the gap on your health, providing a healthy lifestyle for those you care for is a very important part of this.

Let me know if you need help in achieving your health goals. Click the link to contact me here to see if I can help you.