Author Archives: kate

10 Tips: Tip 2 – The Calorie Theory is Incomplete

2. Calorie theory is incomplete!

If you were a steam engine this theory would be completely relevant, however it is only partly true as you are chemical, hormonal and electrical. Eg. 90% of Eskimos diet is fats, oils and proteins. Everyone is different, we need to learn to listen to our bodies as they will tell us what we need. Eg, Do you crave chocolate? Cocoa is very high in Magnesium, perhaps you are deficient in Magnesium. Or do you have an uncontrollable appetite at 2-3pm after what should have been a satisfying lunch? Then maybe you are not eating enough protein earlier in the day. How much protein do you need?

My point is simple, calorie controlled diets will not work for the majority of the population, including those who have finished the biggest loser and you see them 1 year on. It’s important not to restrict naturally occurring fats when eating as these are your friends when in comes to increasing your health and getting leaner, even if they are dense in calories. Don’t get me started on the cholesterol theory. Did you know your body actually raises its cholesterol levels as a response to inflammation caused by not eating enough saturated fats!? And that a natural cholesterol reducer is water? Not prescribed often is it?

Stay tuned for tip 3 – Balancing your muscles to prevent injury, and get a great physique


Get in touch with Kate:


The Handout from the seminar – 10 Secrets the ‘Weight Loss Industry’ doesn’t want you to know..

Over the coming weeks I will give you the details from the talk where I exposed 10 tips the weight loss industry does not want you to know about how to accelerate your fat burning hormones and make the most of your time in the gym… Rule one is below in detail.

Exercise and Nutrition rules to live by

1. Do More Weight Training if you want to get lean and lose fat

a. More muscle tone = faster metabolism.

b. Generally More cardio = Less Muscle = slower metabolism = more fat cells. (So the result can be when you have time off cardiovascular exercise you may gain fat, especially the girls because of our ability to grow fat cells.)

c. Use weight training to stimulate your metabolism for up to 3 weeks after training.

d. Large rest between sets eg. 1.5 – 3 min= more muscle growth, less rest eg. 10-45 sec = less muscle growth (more toning effect). However do not keep training the same way week in week out.

e. Do not perform cardio and weights in the same training session unless you are an absolute beginner, and even then, please stop it after 4-6 weeks. After exercising for more than 60 minutes your cortisol (stress) hormone levels elevate which is detrimental to you losing fat.

2. Change your routine minimum every 6 weeks, 4 weeks is best

3. Prevent injury by Balancing your muscles

4. Rest, Rest, Rest!!!

5. You cannot out-exercise a poor diet

6. Calorie theory is incomplete!!

7. Eat fat to lose fat – do not avoid it.

8. Stress can make you fat

9. Eliminate toxins to reduce hamstring and thigh fat

10. Cheat meals, have whatever you want = guilt free!!


Get in touch with Kate:


Change your food to stimulate more fat loss..

My naturopath friend was recommending to me the other day that I make a list of my top 20 or even 10 foods that I’m eating and change them in order to re-stimulate the fat burning process.

Here’s an example of what I was rotating between and what I will be re-introducing in the coming weeks;

Old list; Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Fish (Ling and Salmon), sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli, cucumber, capsicum, green apples, baby spinach, bok choy, eggs, cream, natural cows yogurt.

New List; Camel, buffalo, Venison, Kangaroo, Crocodile, Duck, Tuna (not from Thailand/Vietnam), Wallaby, Goat, Wild Boar, Celery, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale, Silver beet, Zucchini, goats yogurt. (I’m keeping the cream for my coffee and the eggs.)

I wont be sorry to see the back of the meat, should be interesting, I’m going to be making a lot of rissoles

Link for game meats delivered to your door. You need to order a minimum amount – give them a call

Try it let me know how you go.


Get in touch with Kate:


How much protein does the body need for you to burn fat?

Girls aim for 1.5 x body weight in Kilograms. Eg. if you weight 70kg you need 105g of protein/day Boys aim for 2 x body weight in Kilograms. Eg. if you weight 80kg you need 160g of protein/day

  • Kangaroo 24g/100g
  • Lean Lamb 22g/100g
  • Lean Beef 22g/100g
  • Lean Pork 23g/100g
  • Skinless Chicken 20g/100g
  • Fresh Fish 20g/100g
  • Rabbit 23g/100g
  • Camel 22g/100g
  • Buffalo 20g/100g
  • 4 eggs 20g
  • Cottage cheese 11g/100g
  • Nuts/seeds 10g/60g
  • Whole yogurt 10g/1 metric cup
  • Whey/Rice/Pea Protein Supplements – (20 – 30g per serve) please check your product label
  • Amino Acid Supplements – 1g/g (example; 20g BCAA = 20g protein)

Want to know where to get these ‘game’ meats from – try Yarra Valley Game Meats. You need to order a minimum for them to deliver – so clear our your freezer and prepare to get lean.


Get in touch with Kate:


I have no discipline to diet!! I hear you say…

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this said in the gym, either directly to me or from overhearing women talk about how they can’t seem to manage staying on ‘this diet’ or ‘that diet’, I’d be very wealthy.. If you have ever felt this way (I know I have), you are not the only one. You see I too have no discipline when it comes to dieting, in fact from this moment forth I’d like to us to pretend the word ‘discipline’ does not exist and instead lets start calling it ‘being organised’. Because that is something we can do. All it takes is a little preparation and having food on hand rather than leaving it up to chance with your next meal.

When I say I have no discipline to diet, what I mean is if I go for more than 3 hours without eating (and I mean eating substantial, real food, including lots of real protein, nothing packaged) then there’s no way in hell I can ‘control’ or ‘discipline’ myself for the cravings that follow.. In fact I usually don’t just limit it to sweet things like chocolate, I’ll eat anything that’s not tied down if I get that out of control hunger and the entire day is ruined from there. In fact once at a hen’s high tea party I stayed longer than I expected and didn’t take any of my own food (big mistake). I got hungry and that was the end of self control, I diminished the entire table of cupcakes and biscuits (or at least 50% of it) entirely to myself. So that became my cheat meal, or afternoon off. I enjoyed it rather than beating myself up about it and got back on the wagon the following day, as should you.

The moral to the story is, start the day with protein and eat a minimum every 3-4 hours if you want to survive, get lean, lose weight, think clearer the list goes on. It’s a harsh world out there and there’s no such thing as permanent ‘discipline to diet’.

Free Seminar – You do not need to be a gym member

Come to Fitness First Nunawading VIC this Thurs, 16th Feb 2012 from 8-9pm ’10 tips the weight loss industry does not want you to know’ – and learn about how to accelerate your results. See below for map.


Get in touch with Kate: