1. Jackknife
Roll over ball until your shins are on ball. Hands are under shoulders, head in front of hands. Legs straight. Belly button pulled in.
Keeping a neutral curve in spine, bend legs and bring ball in. Keep hips low. Return to start position and repeat moving slowly. Stop Immediately if you feel pain in your lower back.
2. Forward Ball Roll
Start with a right angle at the hips and the sholders/arm.
Keeping a neutral curve in the spine and stomach in, slowly move the ball forward as far as possible with good technique. Hold this position for 3-30 seconds and then move back to start position and repeat. Do not go far enough to feel it in your lower back. Stop immediately if you feel pain.
For an extra challenge perform the same thing on your toes.
Once you can perform each of the above exercises for a minute each then its time to make the exercise harder to keep getting results.
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