It will feel selfish. Until you understand, feel and know on a cellular level that you are creating a better you. That after doing it for a while you really are a better version of YOU for doing it. A stronger version. A good example version.
A better for the kids, better for your partner – if you have one, better for all your relationships, friends and colleagues. Most importantly you feel better in yourself. Whole. Complete. Energetic. Passionate. Dare I say – Sexy?
Not that all of that matters – although I know we all feel like it does, we do so much for others in turn to feel better about ourselves. I’m not suggesting that caring for others is negative in any way. I just know from personal experience and also watching my clients, that if you are not feeling amazing, well it’s pretty hard not be amazing for everyone else, right?
Helping you do this is why I do what I do. I love empowering women to be and feel there best. It’s also why I’ve created this deep immersion into you and your health, retreat in August this year.
Here’s more about what you will get from it;
You will be blown away with the next level of connection you develop with yourself after this…
With the unbreakable bond you gain between you and your fellow attendees…
With the next level of honour, care and deep self love you will gain for yourself…
You will get to know, understand, love and explore yourself on a deeper and more profound level…
It’s true what they say, real results in health and life, come from developing a deep respect and love for your body.
More details; ‘Making You’ Feminine Power Retreat, in August on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland.
Some of what will be included is; Meditation, Exercise, Nutrition Lessons, One on One Health Analysis, Creativity exercises, Special Guest Speakers, Massage plus much, much more.
Investment; $3000 – Payment plan options available. Includes ALL costs (including flights within Australia if you get in early).
It will be more than amazing and I’d love to have you there. xx
Enter your details >>here<< and I will personally contact you with more details and to see if it will be the right ‘fit’ for you…
xx Kate