BioSignature Body Fat Assessments – What’s all the hype about?

714562BioSignature is a body fat assessment tool which brings together the best of Eastern and Western Medicines to determine an individuals health status via a non invasive body fat reading. Through the testing of the 12 sites an individuals priorities are determined and recommendations are given on what changes need to be made based upon the diagnosed priorities.

Common problems which lead to poor health and weight gain which can be determined and addressed are digestive problems, mineral deficiencies, insulin or cortisol problems, thyroid problems, inability to excrete synthetic toxins from the body. Have a look at some reasons why you store body fat where you store it. Symptoms which may benefit from these assessments are; PCOS, Liver Detoxification, heavy metal detoxification, Type 2 Diabetes, depression, libido issues (Male and Female), Eating Disorders.

Each time a reading is performed information from the 12 sites on the body gives us feedback via a set of ‘coloured priorites’. These priorities allow us to target not just fat loss but overall health problems and refer you out for more specific tests if need be.


The arrows are pointing to the clients body weight and body fat %. The basic meaning is as follows, left to right; (notice this client is leaner, and her pants are loose but she hasn’t lost on the scales)

  • The chin and the cheek – no hormonal correlation, just where you lose fat from typically first.
  • Pec – Testosterone production. Indicates ‘slow to wake up in the morning’ and ‘low libido’.
  • Tricep – Indicates zinc levels. (this site usually goes up after consuming alcohol).
  • S-Scap (shoulder blade) – Carbohydrate sensitivity or intolerance. (yes diabetes indicator if coupled with other readings.)
  • Supra (love handles/muffin top) – Insulin. (blood sugar regulation)
  • Umbil – (Belly button) – Cortisol (stress hormone over production)
  • Knee – coupled cortisol production with sleep cycle
  • Calves – sleep/rest cycle
  • Quads (front of thigh) – Natural oestrogen production and your bodies ability to regulate it.
  • Hamst (back of leg) – Synthetic pollution/oestrogen regulation (plastics are a major culprit for this reading being high), indicating potential liver function which needs addressing and also zinc deficiency.

Usually specific strength training protocols are also set out based upon the individual to maximize results.

The typical results from BioSignature are improved digestion, rapid fat loss, better sleep quality, improved libido, muscle gain, improved energy.

“BioSignature offers a rapid assessment tool of one’s hormonal health to individualize and monitor the patient’s protocols to achieve optimal metabolic health. It combines the best that Ayurvedic, Chinese and Western medical systems has to offer to the patient.” Dr. Abbas Qutab, M.D., D.C., N.D., D. Ac.


“Bio Sig is what got me from a size 16 to a size 10” Kate Martin, Personal Trainer

Come and see for yourself. I am a Melbourne Based Practitioner. If you are in Melbourne, Australia, text ‘biosig’ to 0416 628 864 to book your complimentary consultation today, or email me.

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