Plus some tips for sugar and wheat replacements in the lunchbox. (click here for more on my wheat free theories)
No seriously it can be yummy for kids and us without these things in our life at every meal, it just takes a little experimenting and perseverance – the results (your kids health) are definitely worth it.
Now, I just made some standard (but from scratch choc chip cookies and was packing my daughters lunch which inspired this post and not to mention often clients in need of lunch box ideas for kids).
My lunchbox packing skills are far from what I think are perfect or ideal, and of course once I get used to what she likes, she of course changes her mind.. ah the joys. I can’t complain, having only one child and a young one at that, I look forward to your comments and help below on your lunch box suggestions if you have any!
So if it were perfect then there’d be no sugar and very little wheat and if there was either of those it would be organic, (purely to keep the pesticides within her diet to a low level). However life is not perfect (something I’m constantly learning to be O.K. with).
Anyway onto lunch box SIMPLE Tips;
– So to start simply put time aside 1 – 2 times per month do a bake up of some gluten free, sugar free cookies, slices or muffins.. click here to try my sugar free slice. Quartering oranges is also a fabulous lunchbox idea – these can be frozen ahead of time too.
– In fact almost everything (snacks) can be frozen and put in their lunchbox straight from the freezer to thaw out.
– When trying new recipes if your kids can taste the difference of dates or honey replacing sugar, then perhaps try using half the old ingredients and half the new.. Or slowly replacing the old with the new. (Same goes with replacing traditional wheat flour with rice, coconut and gluten free flour mixes..)
– I also find if she takes part in the cooking, she’s more likely to eat it.
Your child’s behaviour and overall health will benefit in leaps and bounds, so stick with it, I promise it will be so worth it.
Here’s another picture of my little girls lunchbox, she’s currently doing a ‘I don’t eat animals’ phase and so as a result I try to get chicken stock and fish oil into her as often as possible to keep her nutrient levels up. Here there is chopped organic veges, organic bought cookies, and a spelt ‘mountain bread’ wrap (available in supermarkets) with organic chocolate & agave spread on it (different from cane sugar, available from health food shops).
Below is a recipe for Chocolate cookies, almost 100% sugar free and 100% grain and wheat
(why reducing wheat may be good for your overall health click here for more on my wheat free theories)
Please share your tips with me in the comments below… I am all ears to new ideas from those of you out there with many more years lunch box packing experience than me.
Coaching clients on how to implement new healthy habits into their families lifestyles is part of how I coach clients. To me it’s all about filling the gap on your health, providing a healthy lifestyle for those you care for is a very important part of this.
Let me know if you need help in achieving your health goals. Click the link to contact me here to see if I can help you.