Do you lack discipline and need more willpower?

Whatever It Takes!Do you want to know how to get more Will power? Here are some basic easy to follow steps to increasing your will power fast. To help you stick to your weight loss guidelines.

First know that motivation and will power wanes for all of us. Myself included. Below is something I use with myself and clients when it comes to ‘how to stick’ to your diet or exercise program.

Ideally I want you to create a habit that is an ongoing part of your lifestyle, just like you brush your teeth, you also eat healthily and you exercise regularly, not because you are being ‘good’. More on that soon, but for now….

How to get more Will power:

Renew your willpower by meditating or deep breathing daily. Don’t expect too much and know that you will drain will power from somewhere else if you are being disciplined or having to make many hard and fast decisions, which means you may lack in discipline in other areas.
So the less routine daily decisions you have to make the better. (What I mean is put food and ideally exercise on auto pilot and be organised with it and do not leave it up to decisions to be made at the last minute about whether you feel like training or what you feel like eating.)
How to do the breathing exercise:

Sit up ideally so you stay awake, breathe slowly in through your nose and aim to almost fill up your stomach with air. You should notice your stomach raise as you inhale and fall back in as you exhale.

Know that being over tired doesn’t help, however this can be overcome partly by applying the breathing. And personally I’ve found it does work. Give it a try and let me know how you go.

if you’d like more help with your health and will power don’t hesitate to leave me your details and I’ll personally give you a call to see what you could do to get results now.

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