8 Week ‘Sexy in Spring’ Transformation Challenge – Win $500

3444106You heard me correctly, you CAN look and feel different this spring. 

Winter is here and you know a couple of kilos have crept on over the last few months. Your jeans are a little tighter, training is getting tougher to wake up for and comfort food seems all too easy when it’s cold and wet outside. There’s just one problem to this.

Spring is just around the corner and so is Racing Season, which means backless dresses, skirts and tight fitting clothes. It happens every year, there is a frantic frenzy to lose the winter kilos before spring. You tell yourself every year, next year I’ll start earlier.
Then the Sexy in Spring solution is for you, and I’m offering you $500 Cash to do it.
Our Sexy in Spring Challenge is a 8 week transformation program specific for females who want to lose those winter comfort kilo’s and want to achieve toned arms, a flat stomach and a perfect set of pins.

If you are ready to change your body and win $500 cash then click the link below to get more information about the challenge.


Get in touch with Kate:


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