I keep asking clients, why are you weighing yourself in the first place? Think about it… honestly… Is it because you are going to let that little number on the scales determine whether or not you have a good day? Is the way you feel about yourself today honestly going to be determined by the number you see on the scales? How exactly are you going to be positively motivated by feeling bad about yourself for the next day/week/whatever? In my experience I think I’ve met perhaps 10-20 people over the past 14 years who have been able to weigh themselves regularly (weekly, and no more aften than that) who are actually able to stay well balanced in their perspective about what that number on the sclaes says. For the rest of us (myself included) it seems to ruin our day and negatively reinforce how what we are doing is not working. When in fact this is not true, what you are doing is working. You are growing leaner, losing fat and growing stronger and it is not reflected on the scales! IT IS reflected in your measurements and your clothes!
Reasons NOT to weigh yourself:
- Muscles weighs more than fat when compared by volume – see pic below
- At certain times of the month you are heavier (yes fluid weighs a lot) – you know what I mean girls, it happens, then the following week you weigh less, predictably every month so why make a big deal out of it, just like there will be a sunset today you will be less bloated and lighter next week. Get over it and focus on something else.
- Break the habit of getting on the scales – reduce the frequency that you weigh yourself. Eg. instead of doing it daily, do it every 2-3 days, then eventually every week. Then eventually every month. Try to do it at the same time of the day if you insist on doing it.
Eventually the goal should be to not own a set of scales, that’s right throw them out! You are worth so much more than the little number staring back at you and you have bigger things to worry about. Get on with getting lean by lifting your weights, regardless of what the scales say.
Other ways to measure if you are getting results:
And no your own opinion is not objective enough. 95% Of the time I can guarantee when I re-measure a client, they pre-warn me with the words ‘Oh don’t bother measuring me, I haven’t changed’ and they are wrong 95% of the time. They usually do change, for the better. My point here is your opinion about whether or not you are thinner is completely distorted, so get measured by someone other than yourself. I do.
Want to be obsessed with your body fat composition?
One incredibly accurate way to get your body fat measured is a dexa body scan, watch video.
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