5 Fabulous excuses for NOT exercising… read on and add your own in the comments

113237309I’m the best at making them, or at least I’m up there with the top… So clients and everyone else who’s making excuses as to why you can’t exercise please don’t think you are being original with your excuses, I’ve spent years making excuses myself and listening to all kinds of excuses from clients… below are some of my favourites, and also some of the favourites to overcome them because really everyones got excuses and who needs to hear them… no one! Just get on with it and have fun, you’ll feel better afterwards.


Good Excuse?
No it ain’t!
1. I have a sore back, neck, legs muscles.. whatever 1. If people who are in wheelchairs or with one missing limb can exercise, so can you, train what is not sore.
2. I’m tired 2. You’ll sleep better if you do exercise, keep the session short and productive. Go to bed earlier.
3. I can’t be bothered to get out of bed when its cold / raining / dark outside in the morning 3. So you’d prefer to stay fat? Dont think about it when the alarm goes off, wait until you get into the gym before you think about if you can be bothered.
4. I’m too busy / stressed with work / life commitments 4. When is your life outside of exercise going to stop – ITS NOT! Exercise anyway, it will help you manage your stress better
5. I’m not seeing results, so what’s the point 5. Get assessed and get results


175004655Tips to override any excuse:
  1. Don’t think about whether you ‘feel like doing it’ as the answer from your own mind will most often be ‘no’ – as will most peoples answer, instead get into the session and think about it later. Especially when getting out of bed first thing in the morning, and getting to the gym after work.
  2. Know that you are not original in any excuse, many people feel the same…. who are you going to be in life, someone who does things or someone who talks about ‘going to do’ them? Get some goals to work towards and get someone to help you be accountable to achieving them. This is how I lost weight after having my baby!

Please feel free to add your own excuses in the comments below 🙂 happy training


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