This simple recipe is to help those with ideas for no fuss meals you can make with very little preparation and cooking time and still have left overs provided you cook enough.
Use any meat – I used Venison (before you think gross, they are absolutely delicious)
- 500g of mince meat (remember not to refreeze mince once thawed out, it has to be used immediately)
- 1 egg
- Sea Salt and White Pepper
Below the ingredients are optional, to give them more taste, if you have the time when preparing:
- 1/2 cup Almond meal (flour made from almonds)
- 1 tbsp powdered organic vegetable stock
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- 1 carrot (grated)
- 1 zucchini (grated)
I use a food processor to mince the garlic, onion, carrot and zucchini (adding the egg for the last few seconds) then mix this with the mince with your hands and roll into balls of roughly the same size, for equal cooking time.
Cook on a med-high heat in coconut oil in a frying pan. Turn when you notice juice starting to pool on top of the uncooked side. Approx 4-5 minutes each side, depending upon size of course. If in doubt use a lower heat.
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