You’ve heard me mention this before but how relevant is this topic with shows like ‘The Biggest Loser’ all over our television screens today.
Did you know that excessive exercise may in fact be STOPPING you from losing weight?
In fact, excessive cardio (>45min less in some cases) only serves to elevate your cortisol (stress) hormone, which can be disruptive to your body being able to repair from exercise and therefore lose fat and not to mention the other imbalances this causes with regard to your other hormones.
There are so many things that come into play when you are trying to strip your body of fat, and exercising more and consuming less is an old outdated theory. Look at the people that do it this way 12 months after they stop doing it… First of all ask yourself, why did they stop doing it? Then ask yourself why have they gained all the weight back? Are they undisciplined? Surely not?
Did you know that over 90% of all people who’ve completed a full year with Weight Watchers manage to gain ALL and usually more of the weight back on afterwards! These statistics are available online and should be more widely known.
That’s because we are behind Australia! I mean behind in our attitude to what works and what doesn’t.
I’m not saying that calories are completely irrelevant, however they are only a small part of the story and an often over marketed part. Especially considering this has lead to the low fat industry taking off and the fear of cholesterol epidemic, yet some of these naturally occurring fats are extremely important for brain and hormonal function. Some even help to lower your cholesterol. – ‘The Cure for Heart Disease’ by Dr Dwight Lundell.
More on stress later, for now, enjoy your exercise – 4 hours/week is plenty, make sure you lift weights rather than just perform cardio. Enjoy your food and listen to your stomach when you choose how much fat you eat. Remember fat from naturally occurring sources is usually fine to eat! and no it will not raise your cholesterol – Google that one 😉
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