Click here for part one on self sabotage.
Below are some more tips on how to get the results you are after;
Get Honest and Get Results
Get honest with yourself, take responsibility for where you are and get accountable to someone else. Eg. Have your friend/coach measure you every few weeks. Get a mentor/trusted guide and put the blinkers on to other information you will be bombarded with. Decide upon an agreed time frame to see and feel results by. Eg. 4 weeks.
Remember it should be sustainable (preferably not calorie controlled) and enjoyable if you are going to be able to maintain it. Most importantly you should feel and see results in a short time frame eg. One month. Know that what works for someone else may not work for you. This is very true with diets.
Get off the scales!
Do not watch the scales if you want to be motivated by your results. Pull out some pants from the wardrobe that are slightly too tight, go down dress size at a time. And Get your measurements done regularly, using either body fat or a measuring tape to measure your results. Lean muscle tissue is the heaviest and densest structure in the human body. Your aim is to gain more muscle tissue if you are to drop body fat. You will not look like a body builder.
Be nicer to yourself
Stop criticising yourself or nothing will work – I promise you that! As you just read in part one, theres nothing productive about putting yourself down and one way to stop these thoughts is simply to interrupt them when they start then distract yourself. Always be on your guard, they will creep back in, expect it.
Be grateful daily for how you are now, or the things you have now. Get a goal outside your health to focus on eg. World peace. – a resource for never dieting again.
Get in touch with Kate: