10 Tips: Tip 3 – Balancing your muscles to get a great physique and prevent injury

186291927a. Work your back (pull pattern) as much as you work your chest (push pattern). Boys give the bench 4 weeks off every 8 wks and watch your strength improve, and the shoulder injuries stay away. And make sure you never lose the ability to squat – nice legs do impress the girls 😉

b. Don’t overdo the crunches. Yes they will contribute to the chiselled abdominal look (only slightly, you’ll get more bang for your buck by squatting), however overdoing it will lead to increased neck pain and potential back pain. The abs are anterior kinetic chain muscles, meaning front of the body so they must be balanced with posterior kinetic chain muscles, glute and back muscles. So more abdominal training means more hip and glute (butt) training.

c. Lower back injury prevention – stretch your hip flexors before starting exercise (especially if you have a seated day job). See pic Below – do not move forward, just simply tuck your pelvis under and you will most likely feel the stretch on your thigh, this is fine. Hold for a minimum of 30sec and do it BEFORE your workout.

d. Keep a neutral spine – ALWAYS (this means a slight curve in your lower back, similar to the curve you have there when you are standing). Glance at your posture in the mirrors (if in a gym) for this reason.

Stay tuned for next weeks Tip – Self sabotage. How being nice to yourself is critical to your weight loss goals.


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