10 Tips: Tip 2 – The Calorie Theory is Incomplete

2. Calorie theory is incomplete!

If you were a steam engine this theory would be completely relevant, however it is only partly true as you are chemical, hormonal and electrical. Eg. 90% of Eskimos diet is fats, oils and proteins. Everyone is different, we need to learn to listen to our bodies as they will tell us what we need. Eg, Do you crave chocolate? Cocoa is very high in Magnesium, perhaps you are deficient in Magnesium. Or do you have an uncontrollable appetite at 2-3pm after what should have been a satisfying lunch? Then maybe you are not eating enough protein earlier in the day. How much protein do you need?

My point is simple, calorie controlled diets will not work for the majority of the population, including those who have finished the biggest loser and you see them 1 year on. It’s important not to restrict naturally occurring fats when eating as these are your friends when in comes to increasing your health and getting leaner, even if they are dense in calories. Don’t get me started on the cholesterol theory. Did you know your body actually raises its cholesterol levels as a response to inflammation caused by not eating enough saturated fats!? And that a natural cholesterol reducer is water? Not prescribed often is it?

Stay tuned for tip 3 – Balancing your muscles to prevent injury, and get a great physique


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