So we’ve all though about setting some kind of health goals right? The ever lingering target of kilos to lose, or to be a certain dress size by summer or for that special event. That’s great, has it worked for you? If not your not alone. Most of the time I believe clients (particularly females living in this western culture) self sabotage themselves before they even have a chance of attaining their health goal.
Why do I think this? Simply because I am one of those who’s target for weight loss (post baby) had seemed so unattainable that I would make sure I criticised myself consistently on a daily basis. In fact from the moment I woke up I would tell myself I was fat, undeserving of being lean and how unattractive I was. Hmm… Not a very productive or positive way to start the day is it?
Does this sound familiar? Every day I talk to clients about how their thoughts are holding them back. Believe me the most sure-fire way to make sure you DO NOT reach your weight loss goals is to criticise yourself as much as you can for being the way you are.
Sure you need to take stock and recognise there is a problem, but put things in place to deal with it and do them on a regular basis. May I advise you that the first step in attaining your health goals is simply to become aware of this little voice and its comments. Try saying to your inner voice; ‘thanks for sharing’, then drop the conversation and get on with what you were doing. Becoming aware is the first step for you to be able to turn these thoughts around.
This is where I started and I know it works for clients. Try it every morning, listen out, become aware then start appreciating what good things you do have. To quote Dr Demartini – ‘You get what you think about and what you thank about’.
By the way, the baby fat is mostly gone, I’m leaner than I’ve been in years and it all started with being aware of this voice.
Good luck – let me know how you go…
Get in touch with Kate: