Ok so you’ve probably heard that Stretching and Yoga is good for you and I’m not disagreeing. But if your just not the yoga type, don’t have the time, or inclination then the use of the foam (physio) roller can help you to gain mobility and therefore greater flexibility which will benefit all of your training. In fact I dare say you cannot stretch muscle tissue and fascia which is stuck together, general wear and tear from living causes this, and this is where the foam roller becomes useful. (Its the next best thing to real live massage.) Sound good?
Hold each sore point for 20-30 seconds minimum, or until the pain subsides by approx half. Find 1-2 sore points per body part (with the exception of the ‘lay long’ where you are just relaxing) The more frequently you do it the less adhesions in the muscle are found so the less painful it becomes.
Foam Rollers can be purchased online and in most sports stores.

Lay Long on Roller – Not advised if you are over the age of 40 with severe kyphosis (upper back curvature).
Great for opening the chest and ribcage and for those with shoulder problems and or a slight head forward posture. Simply lay on roller for several minutes and breathe. Roll off to the side and get up from the all fours position, rather than performing a crunch to get up.

ITB (Iliotibial Band) or outer thigh – Great for those sufferring any kind of knee or hip pain

Glutes – Great for those suffering any knee, lower back or hip discomfort.
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