10 minute express workout – equipment free

Perform the following exercises, in the order shown, anywhere you want in as little as 10 minutes. Do as many rounds as possible without rest. Always stop if you have any pain in any joints (but not if you just have tired muscles). For an extra challenge do 15 minutes without stopping.

1. Push-up
  • Make sure your head is in front of your hands
  • Always keep a neutral spine and do not let your lower back sag towards the floor
  • Take 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor and 1 second to raise

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2. Hip Extension
  • Make sure your feet are near your butt and the same distance apart as your hips
  • Keep your knees apart the same distance as your feet
  • Take 1 second to raise and 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor


3. Squat
  • Go as low as you can go with your heels firmly on the floor
  • Keep your knees travelling the same direction your toes are pointing
  • Always keep a neutral spine and your chest up
  • Take 3 seconds to lower yourself to the floor and 1 second to raise



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