Tips to reduce stress

Drink up

Your body’s stress hormones will raise dramatically if you are dehydrated. The formula to find out how much we’re suppose to drink is (your body weight in kilograms x .033) = Litres/day of recommended water.

Reduce the amount of caffiene you consume (particularly after 2pm) as caffeine is a stimulant as well as a sdiuretic timulant.

One coffee = minus 3 glasses of water. One tea = minus 1 glass of water.


Remember to breathe properly. As cliché as it sounds most people don’t do it effectively. Instead they take shallow breaths into their chest which result in tightening the neck and shoulder muscles. Try instead to focus on ‘filling’ your stomach, therefore utilising your diaphragm as you inhale and then hollowing the stomach or ‘pulling it in’ as you exhale. This allows you to get more oxygen in to feed every cell in your body and also alleviates stress instantly by reducing your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

Do something for yourself

Daily. This can be as simple as taking a walk, a bath, reading or listening to music. Or simply spend 5-10 minutes being by yourself and just breathing. The energy coming into your body and mind needs to sustain the energy you are outputting from your body and mind. Otherwise you may feel depleted.


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