What if no one comes to your events? – plus other stories about my past events

What if no one comes to your events? - plus other stories about my past events Are you a coach wanting a container to uplevel your business? Regardless of if you choose to use Seminars or not. My new monthly membership is launching soon. join the SOON TO BE OPEN monthly membership; Sooo many [...]

Interview with Victoria Gibson Online Marketing and Business Guru and one of my mentors!

Interview with Victoria Gibson Online Marketing and Business Guru and one of my mentors! Just a few conversations with her years ago helped me to grow my online business to where it is today. Meet online business coach and marketing expert Victoria Gibson (from Victoria Gibson) Being taught by Victoria meant I went rapidly [...]

Coach – Do you know you need to make content but you;

Coach - Do you know you need to make content but you; Hate feeling ‘braggy’ Dislike or just don’t ever make videos don’t have time to get it right... don’t have enough hours in the day to ‘do it all’. Limited spaces available for this project, where after I interview you my team and [...]

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