1. Offer a high-end product/package
  2. Become accountable/tell clients you’ll make something for them
  3. Imperfect action wins

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I’ve worked as a personal trainer & health coach for over 24 years, as a single mum for most of that time – and I got four different home loans approved (so yes the tax bills were quite a thing.)

Here are three things that helped me to make that possible:

1. Offer a high-end product, package, service or event

It could be anything – it doesn’t matter what it is! You could run events at your house as a once-off or weekly, run a retreat at your home or somewhere else, run a package that goes for 12 weeks, etc… (see my YouTube channel for more details).

(Side note – I still believe in offering lots of free things like seminars, not just having high-ticket items!)

2. Become accountable!

Not necessarily to a coach or mentor, (although that’s highly recommended, personally I always have one), but actually just to the people you service. For example, tell them you’ll give them an update on something each week – this means that you’ll be creating something (i.e., writing/filming content, doing a seminar/workshop) every single week for your client(s). This content can double as something you put out on social media, for the masses. If it helps your clients it helps more of the same people.

3. Imperfect action wins.

When making content for your clients, I suggest also putting it out on social media. If it’s helping your clients it will help more of your ideal client. Persisting when things aren’t perfect means you’re always getting it done. In all honestly it’s actually how most of the successful business people in the world operate. (Sometimes they even have spelling mistakes in their content … shock horror I know.)

When it comes to making content, the person who does it, regardless of the perfect conditions, is the one who wins.

Those who overthink it tend to get paralysis. (This is another way of saying that overthinking your Instagram grid isn’t a great use of time for a busy coach).

Got any questions? Ask away, or book a time to chat to me here or email me here.