‘Creating YOU’ – Retreat – Creating Your Body
I know you want amazing results with your body. Results you feel are perhaps ‘just’ out of reach. Perhaps you’ve hit a plateau and don’t know what the ‘next step’ is to try? Or you are getting sick of trying again and failing.. I totally get it, that was me too.
Unti I ‘got it’ where it mattered, deep within me.
Let’s face it, you know that you will get the results with your body if you have a relationship with your body that you love. But how do you create that?
How do you learn to look after you?
How do you learn to put yourself first without feeling guilty?
It should be simple right?
It is, simple. Simple but not easy or everyone would have done it. The facts are that family, work and life pull us in all kinds of directions.
Let me teach you how to balance all of that and unleash THE BEST YOU ever!
Strong, Lean, Sexy, Powerful, Fierce and Feminine and all knowing that you already have all those powers within you!
Let me take you on a retreat, after which, you will never be the same. Not what you look or feel like.
You will be blown away with the next level of connection you develop with yourself after this journey..
With the unbreakable bond you will gain between yourself and your fellow attendees…
With the next level of honour, care and deep self love you will gain for yourself, forever…
You will get to know, understand, love and explore yourself on a deeper and more profound level…
It’s true what they say, real AMAZING results with your BODY come from developing a deep respect and love for your body.
(Yes you can expect to lose almost a dress size – even though it’s not about that – you will realize when you are there.)
More details – ‘Creating You’ Retreat, Next Date 2017 – To Be confirmed. Enter your details below to find out more.
Some of what will be included is; Yoga, Meditation, Exercise, Nutrition and Cooking Lessons, One on one Health Analysis, Creativity exercises, Creating your new exciting future, Massage plus much, much more.
Plus 12 weeks worth of support afterwards to help you implement your new habits.
It will be more than amazing and I’d love to have you there. xx
Enter your details >>here<< and I will personally contact you with more details and to see if it will be the right ‘fit’ for you…
xx Kate