- Always keep good form and make the weights light enough to be able to do the high amount of repetitions.
- Stop if you need to, even if mid set.
- Never train through pain.
- Use the alternative exercises which are easier, if you’re newer to exercise.
1 warm up set of 8-10 easy/light repetitions of each exercise in the circuit, then Circuit one set of each x 3 – 4 times. 1 Min rest at the end of each circuit (once all 7 are completed). Little or no rest between exercises.
1. Squat to shoulder press x 20
Hold dumbbells in each hand, narrow grip (palms face each other – elbows in, shoulder height, head of dumbbell on front of shoulder). Squat down, then as you stand up push dumbbells overhead so your biceps come into alignment with your ears. Lower dumbbells back to front of shoulders, and then repeat.
2. Squat to Row x 20
Use rope attachment onto low cable pulley. Stand in comfortable squat position holding ropes facing machine. Go down into a squat. As you stand up, pull the cable toward your waist, pull shoulders and elbows back, chest and head up. Slowly extend arms as you go back into squat position and then repeat.
(For easy set up of Exercises 2 + 3 have two machines with two rope pulleys set up)
3. Cable woodchop & switch x 24 (12 ea side)
Hook rope attachment onto cables above head height. Stand side on to machine. Squat and chop (pull rope towards you then by the time you are at the bottom of the squat your hand should be pushed back out towards your outside knee. Quickly pushdown toward your outer knee while you rotate your torso. Allow cable to pull you back up slowly. Switch feet by stepping together to foot near the machine and turn around 180 degrees and repeat on other side.
Alternative – Med ball chop, squat while moving ball in diagonal pattern across the body.
4. Lunges with side tap x 20 (10 ea side)
Hold dumbbells by your side. Stand in lunge position. As you lunge down tap ground with dumbbell near front foot with opposite hand. Stand up pivot on feet and face other direction which changes the lead leg and repeat.
Alternative – Static Lunges, step back lunge + step back together rpt other leg.
5. Spiderman push ups x 12 (6 ea side)
Begin in push up position on toes. Bring your left foot up as close as possible to your left hand and put some of your weight into your foot/toe then lower chest to ground and push up. Return foot behind you then repeat on other side.
Alternative – Pushups on knees
6. Jump chin ups x 5-15 (maximum possible)
Position bench/box in front of chin up bar. Stand on bench. Jump up to bar and pull yourself up quickly so chest is level with the bar. Slowly lower your body for 4 seconds. Jump to land on floor once you’ve reached the bottom. Come back to bench and repeat until you can no longer perform the exercise correctly (when you can no longer reach your chest to the bar).
Alternative – lat pull down, close grip.
7. Turkish get up x 10 (5 ea side)
Raise one dumbbell above head and hold that position. Step backwards into a lunge position with the opposite leg, lunge down to floor, then use free arm to help lower yourself to floor until you are lying on your back. The whole time keeping the dumbbell directly above you toward the ceiling and eyes focused on the roof or dumbbell. Come back up to standing position (still keeping dumbbell overhead) as fast as possible.
Alternative – Do not use any weight, just your arm in the air.
Do the version which is appropriate for your level of fitness and strength and have fun!!
Get in touch with Kate: